LUCY ‘91 Mk2 Golf GTI Alpine White

Discussion in 'Members Gallery' started by AKAeddypeck, Jun 25, 2021.

  1. Zender Z20

    Zender Z20 Paid Member Paid Member

    Nov 28, 2021
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    Found myself starting to dip onto here more and more as I was looking into MK1 issues, so thought I'd better join (if only to see the images).

    The MK2OC was the only place I've ever posted about the MK2 and will probably continue to, though it's going through a dry spell at the moment with nothing much to report.

    Did try to up the forums input from July'ish and it progressively seemed to improve things a little, but I couldn't keep those levels up indefinitely.

    Yourself and a few others make the site, but it's seems very precarious relying on two or three individuals to ensure it survives.
  2. AKAeddypeck Forum Member

    Oct 30, 2014
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    Don't you just love this time of year?


    No sunny day show queen here, this IS my transport! well, either this or a motorbike so neither are great right now :lol:
    PhilRyder and dodgy like this.
  3. PhilRyder

    PhilRyder Paid Member Paid Member

    Oct 17, 2020
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    It's horrible isn't it. I haven't ridden the bike for about a month now due to awful weather. Going to force myself tomorrow as the traffic is building up again now and there are some road works on my way to work. I hate winter. [:v:]
    AKAeddypeck likes this.
  4. AKAeddypeck Forum Member

    Oct 30, 2014
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    If you look back to my posts last summer you'll see I made the best of a fairly substandard rear bumper. Anyway, I saw an opportunity pop up on fb so I made a buy!

    A bargain genuine rear bumper with iron and brackets, that cost half as much again to get it shipped from Scotland, but still I've been looking for a while and they don't come up very often these days and when they do they're either knackered or massively overpriced.

    There were a few issues with shipping as the first courier booked failed to show, but credit to the seller he stuck with it and shipped via Paisley Freight in the end.

    A little bit of a tidy up needed, but it's just a flakey surface, the metal is all solid:
    Nothing that can't be sorted with a wire wheel and some chassis paint.

    And obviously, it'll need painting so the odd scuff is not a problem:

    The black part is OK too, but not perfect. The texture paint I used on my current bumper came out OK so I'm yet undecided if I should restore that part too when I get round to painting or keep the original surface, scars and all, for an authentic look.

    Anyway, I have other projects to deal with first, need to do some work on my bike so nothing will happen with this anytime soon but at least I know I've now sourced a decent bumper. And it weighs next to nothing compared to that tow bar one I have. It'll be good to lose those extra kilos off the rear end.
    erreesse and dodgy like this.
  5. AKAeddypeck Forum Member

    Oct 30, 2014
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    And here's a photo, just because :)

    Last edited: Jul 8, 2022
    MJA, Mk2daz and erreesse like this.
  6. AKAeddypeck Forum Member

    Oct 30, 2014
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    Not a lot has been going on, just been using the car.

    Met up with my old car, the one on the right, at the Bristol meet at the start of June. It's currently owned by UKLonar (it's his pic I stole) he's done heaps of work since it was mine as you'll see in his thread.


    I've been using the car for the commute when I go to work. Unfortunately, you have to book parking spots via an app and don't get to choose where you're allocated and it seems I'm regularly given a spot under the trees, so it's lots of sap as well as poop [:s]


    So with that in mind, and the amount of contamination (rusty dust spots) all over the paint from the cutting, grinding and welding I did last year.... along with general dirt and grime ...


    ... and with the MK2 Owners Club National Meet looming. I've started the paint correction process.

    The temperatures have clearly been building up in my garage, as I discovered my clay bar has melted...

    I managed to pick out a big enough lump to work with.

    One issue though, I used my sunroof the other day. Certainly this first time this year and since I didn't get the car back on the road till the end of last year I don't think it's been used since getting the car.

    It's hard to show in the pics, but I've got a scuff so need to look at the alignment.


    Which is a shame as shut it sits really nice and I know on my old one the sunroof seemed to sit a fraction lower than the roof line. Perhaps this is why. I'll see if I polish it some more if I can reduce it further. I didn't get a before shot but this was after doing some work on it.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2022
  7. AKAeddypeck Forum Member

    Oct 30, 2014
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    For anyone on the fb groups you'll have no doubt seen a Mk2 meet at Caffeine and Machine went ahead this week. Well I happened to have the day off and my family were away so an ideal opportunity to indulge myself.

    It was an hour and a half away so normally I wouldn't probably have gone. I had planned to take the day to continue decontamination of the paintwork, but one thing led to another with jobs around the house so before I knew it I had about an hour before I needed to leave if I wanted to get there at the start and bag a good spot. So a quick bucket of soapy water was in order but I did leave time to finish one little job.

    When I had all the trims off I FOREVER BLACKed them, but I never did the rub strips as they didn't come off. I didn't want to get any on the paint, so masked up.....



    Then I hit the road... arriving dead on 5 o'clock. The official start time, and I'd seen strict messages not to arrive before, but on entry found already a decent number of Mk2's already on the site.

    My original parking spot



    But after a straggling non-mk2 (Actually as McLaren) moved off I asked the stewards if I could move and they were happy to allow it.

    So here's my image dump.









    In the overflow carpark....


    and around the grounds...
















  8. AKAeddypeck Forum Member

    Oct 30, 2014
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    So yes, I made it to the Mk2 Owners Club National Meet at Curborough Sprint Track.


    I won't duplicate all my pics here as I've made a Facebook album, it's public so you don't think you have to have a Facebook account to view it so feel free to have a look:
    If you were there and happen to be in the pics feel free to tag yourself.

    Yes, I put the car round the track on Saturday and yes, I put it in the show'n'shine on Sunday.

    And by some fluke I bagged the fastest lap trophy in the class of unmodified (engine-wise) GTI. To be fair it was a small category as MOST were modified [​IMG] but I'm happy to take the win.

    Waiting on Chris Eyre to publish the prize-giving pics, and to get my times back.
    I'm eager to compare my times with 2016, which was the last time I had a mk2 at the National Meet, my old 8v k-jet.

    And No, it's no surprise that I didn't win anything on the Sunday, I was just there for the show numbers.

    But some of you may have noticed a slight difference to the appearance of the car, so I feel an explanation is in order.

    1. Between 2002 and 2009 I was a self-employed graphic designer, as a spin-off of this I also started doing point of sale, van and shop graphics and invested in some vinyl cutting equipment. When I eventually sold off all the gear I had a load of half rolls of vinyl left so I cut a random selection of brand graphics in various colours for bikes and cars. I originally did the Animal (surf brand) stuff for a mate that had a bay window camper. They've been stashed in my loft ever since.

    2. I collect 90's Animal watches, this goes back to the 90s when I used to jet-ski so I am/was into surf brands like this.

    3. There's a crack in my rear bumper, due to it being a patched-up tow bar bumper. As a temporary measure it occurred to me I could get down one of the big Animal vinyls and chuck it over the crack until I get round to getting my replacement bumper painted.

    4. The idea grew and I thought it might be cool to use the decals elsewhere over the car.

    5. At Caffeine and Machine I watched multiple people pass by my car without giving it a second look compared with all the real fancy ones there.

    So the thought brewed and, what the hell, let's chuck some of those stickers on and make my car a bit more unique and recognisable, so it stands out a bit more. So Thursday night I was crawling around the loft digging out my old cuts, and looking for all my application tools and I started 'weeding' the various sheets.


    And in the true fashion of last-minute National Meet prep, Friday morning, literally an hour before I was due to set off I started working out what I wanted to use and where. I didn't put everything on, but thought I used what I had to good effect. You may notice however, I never ended putting anything on the bumper so the crack is still visible if you look.

    I'm undecided if I'm keeping any, some, all fitted, but for now they can stay on.

    I was also toying with the idea of fitting my white Italvolanti wheel, but decided against it and I think I'll pop it up for sale at some point.

    So on my return home, my wife asked me to pop to the local shops, so here I am, still rocking the track number

    Oh and I've also uploaded my in car footage of my laps.
    Zender Z20 likes this.
  9. Zender Z20

    Zender Z20 Paid Member Paid Member

    Nov 28, 2021
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    Car design is going backwards... each to their own, but there can't be many people who genuinely find that Citroen attractive surely?

    Well done on the trophy, just shows you that you shouldn't mess with white MK2's.
  10. AKAeddypeck Forum Member

    Oct 30, 2014
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    erreesse and Zender Z20 like this.
  11. AKAeddypeck Forum Member

    Oct 30, 2014
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    I've got my lap times now, and it appears I had 12 runs in total, but I only recorded 10 on my fake Go-Pro (or No-Pro as I call it).
    I was aware of one lap that I forgot to record, which is a shame as I had a passenger and we had an absolute hoot on that one, but it looks like there was another I missed too.

    That's made it a little tricky to tie up the videos with the lap times, but I think this might be the video of my winning, fastest lap.

    cupracraig likes this.
  12. AKAeddypeck Forum Member

    Oct 30, 2014
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    late Sunday night I did one of those impulse eBay purchases, we've all been there I'm sure.

    And as a result Tuesday night I was heading off on a road trip resulting once again in proof of how versatile a Mk2 Golf is...


    And in case you can't tell, what's in there is a pair of these.


    Along with a 60/40 rear bench.

    Yes, it's a set of leather recaros, heated, and already on mk2 bases!

    Those of you zooming in, might spot they're Colour Concept seats, and as far as I can tell they're originally black (I know they did black on black) and not re-dyed as most of these seem to be bright colours.

    Also, it turns out they're from a Colour concept 6n Polo, not a Mk3 Golf. I only just found out they did a colour concept Polo!
    The guy I bought them off had them fitted in a mk2f Polo, so he's already had the bases narrowed, and looking at how they've done it it's been done in a really clever way and not bodged at all.

    Being Polo ones I think they're a little smaller, than MK3 Golf ones, they don't have the bit plastic surround on the base and they sit a bit lower too, so should be perfect in a mk2.

    As mentioned, they also came with back seats, again they'd already been modified for an earlier polo, not sure yet how I might fit them as they are separate base and back, so the base flips forward and the back lays flat, unlike Mk2 rear that rolls forward. I've been looking at the fitment and it might mean I need to visit a scrap yard and try and get a few extra brackets.

    I'll place them in and see how they compare with the width, and if I think I can fit them I'll have a go otherwise I'll just stick with the fronts.

    Once I've got the steam cleaner to them and applied some conditioner I hope to be updating soon with some fitted pics.
    dodgy likes this.
  13. dodgy

    dodgy Paid Member Paid Member

    May 24, 2016
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    Very nice, I have a mk3 golf colour concept rear seat stripped and attached to a mk2 frame in mine, but it had yellow mid panels so have spray dyed them.
    I know of a mk2 that should still have the rear (single) seat in it in the southwest area, I'm visiting it Saturday before a stop in Bristol Saturday night if any use.
    AKAeddypeck likes this.
  14. AKAeddypeck Forum Member

    Oct 30, 2014
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    I was thinking about fitting the foam on a mk2 frame, but then I’d need a 60/40 mk2 frame ideally and that’s not so easy to find.

    I’m not around this weekend.
    dodgy likes this.
  15. dodgy

    dodgy Paid Member Paid Member

    May 24, 2016
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    No problem, mine was a 60/40 mk3 seat, but it's on a full width mk2 frame, may have eye on a mk2 leather rear for mine but not getting for 3 weeks.

    I'll pm the whereabouts of the mk2 incase wanted a little trip.
    AKAeddypeck likes this.
  16. rubjonny

    rubjonny Administrator Staff Member Admin

    Oct 31, 2003
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    post up some pics of the base, its possible they are cabrio recaro bases for example which use the same shape seats as mk3/6n. the seats are identical except for the metal bases, and to know if they should have had the side bins originally simply look for holes in the leather where the screws went ;)

    MK2 Golf in US market also used the same design seats, they didnt always get the electric bases like we did
    AKAeddypeck likes this.
  17. AKAeddypeck Forum Member

    Oct 30, 2014
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    Clearly 6n polo, still got the label.

    and no sign of any fixing holes for the side pockets

    Attached Files:

  18. rubjonny

    rubjonny Administrator Staff Member Admin

    Oct 31, 2003
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    cool, dont see many of those :)
  19. AKAeddypeck Forum Member

    Oct 30, 2014
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    I forgot to update this, well it wasn't as simple as fit and forget with these seats. I noticed the driver's side right-hand bolster, although not worn was a bit floppy. Not knowing how these seats are constructed I thought something might have come unhooked or unbolted so I stripped them down.

    And found this

    But luckily, with the welder at hand this was fixed in no time, and although not obvious under the leather the foam was a bit distressed so I took the opportunity to pack it out a bit and repair the foam.


    Sorry forgot to take pics of the re-welded rail, I was just eager to get it back together.

    I then wasted some time making a small link loom so I could connect the seat plug to my aftermarket heated seat set up without having to hack either the seat connectors or the fitted loom.


    I say wasted time as I realised I used the wrong plugs and have female to female ends. Now, who doesn't love a bit of girl-on-girl action? but on this occasion, there was no happy ending so now I have to try and source the correct plugs.

    But I think I can cope without heated seats for now, so I just cracked on and got them fitted.


    They've been in a few weeks now. I'm not 100% convinced, sweaty backs on hot days. But as we enter winter I'm sure they'll be good once I get the heated seats plugged in. Still waiting on the plugs.
  20. AKAeddypeck Forum Member

    Oct 30, 2014
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    Made it out the September Bristol meet


    On the way home, the car gave a little swerve and I heard a clunk! I nursed it home OK but the steering felt out.

    So Saturday morning it was up on stands again so I could investigate and this is why it's important to have a good check-over after hammering it around a track - clearly, I ignored such advice and just carried on driving it.




    You may remember I fitted all new bushes and control arms a while back. I still had the old control arms in the garage, I didn't want to chuck them as they were original and thought I might restore them one day. Anyway, one still had the ball joint in so I was able to get replacement bolts and I also swapped out the retaining plate.

    I was worried the captive nut might had gone on the big bolt, but tightening it up slowly there was no issue, so it's all back together fine now.

    While it was jacked up it gave me a chance to have a good pre-MOT check over. And I'm happy to report all seems well, CV and steering boots are often the ones that catch me out. General corrosion is at a minimum, but I squirted a bit of rust treatment around here and there where needed.

    One thing I did spot though was this


    Which was a bit of a surprise as it was one of the first jobs I did when I got the car, even though that's almost 3 years now but the car was off the road for at least half of that time when covid work from home came in. It looks melted so again I assume it's a result of the track action at the National Meet.

    Anyway, thankfully I had some spares


    Including some spare bushes so that's all sorted now too.

    One thing I think I forgot to say at the time, I picked up an adjustable short-shifter at the National Meet. I fitted it track side at the time but it was set to a conservative halfway. Since I had all this apart again I've now refitted it with it extended to the full extent. I'll be interested to see how it goes.

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