OPEN Strange Times

Discussion in 'Temporary, New forum requests/bugs' started by GrannyRacer, Sep 11, 2022.

  1. GrannyRacer Paid Member Paid Member

    Aug 27, 2005
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    United Kingdom
    So weird, Queenie dying. I think people. including me have been affected more than we thought. Spooky things, first the Rainbow Bridge which I really hope will help me. It is that when you ger to the other all your pets will be thereto meet you again. Full moon that night and then the screeching at the service at St Paul's when the cleric had just started.

    Gonna feel really odd having a king. Dunno if I can refer to him like that rather than "Charlie" as I have for so long. William.... so pleased he is Prince of Wales and love Katherine too, Gonna stickmy neck out agin and say I do not like that "other" woman.

    I've been on here for a good many years, do any of you know how old I am? I did tell Patrick (Second Coming) and told him if he told anyone I would murder him! Any news on that bad boy? Sorry no prizes for the best guess. Depends how I feel later - I might admit my age.
    afbiker02 likes this.
  2. afbiker02

    afbiker02 Paid Member Paid Member

    Sep 12, 2008
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    Bury St. Edmunds
    Glad to see that you're still around GrannyRacer. I still have some photos you took at Curby back in 2011, I think.

    Though I may be just an American, I'm finding it very strange and surreal these last few days. The Queen has only been a part of my life since moving to the UK in 2007 but I do have a sense of loss with her passing.
  3. GrannyRacer Paid Member Paid Member

    Aug 27, 2005
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    United Kingdom
  4. GrannyRacer Paid Member Paid Member

    Aug 27, 2005
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    United Kingdom
    Is it you Lee? The lovely polite young American I met near my Golf? at Donnongtpn? Yes it was not very nice even though she was an old Lady. Amazing ow many overseas visitors came here. I could not have gone in to see her coffin but we are all different.

    It hit me almost as hard as when my lovely Gran died in 1978.

    Thanks for your message. Yeah, I've been around fpr a looong tim but been unable to live a normal life hence disappearing from here now and again. Biggest wishes now are being able to get back on my nutty 24 year old Arab mare, needless to say her colour is chestnut which I understand is sorrel in USA.

    Second biggest wish is get back driving Golfie and hammering it like I used to, that's what thet]y are meant to do. Himself is not a feisty person and does nor drive it like I did. sight loss is bloody awful.

    S xx
  5. afbiker02

    afbiker02 Paid Member Paid Member

    Sep 12, 2008
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    Bury St. Edmunds
    Yeah, that’s me. I’m back in the UK for good now. We thought about taking our boys to see the funeral but we don’t like big crowds. Good to hear that you still have golfie too.

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