DIY tyre chaging

Discussion in 'Wheels and Tyres' started by Drew21, Nov 10, 2003.

  1. Drew21 Forum Member

    I now have the tyres and the rims for summer and winter on my 2 golfs. As I will nowbe switching a lot of rubber around to get the right tyres and wheels together in sets of four, how hard is this to do yourself without recourse to kwikfit? (to save a bit of cash)

    buy a tyre lever and get going??[:s]
  2. billy bug Forum Member

    I have done it on my beetle wheels.. but it didnt really matter if i marked them!! Its not that hard.. but if u dont want to damage the surface of the wheels it will be a tough job!! or look in the Industrial exchange & mart and get a cheap 2nd hand machine that tyre places use!!
    Edited by: billy bug
  3. KeithMac Forum Junkie

    It can be done but it`s a pain in the arse, you`ll end up scratching the rims and probably only do one wheel and then give up! Plus you`ll have to get them all balanced.

    If the tyres are already on you`ll have to brake the beads, best to let the tyre place do it all for you, a lot less hastle.
  4. KeithMac Forum Junkie

    Beat me to it [8D]

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