MK2 16V Head Gasket Renewall...!

Discussion in 'Engines' started by DCB 16V, Nov 21, 2003.

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  1. DCB 16V New Member

    Im replacing my head gasket myself as the garage wanted to charge me an arm and a leg to do it. I have reached the cylinder head assembly. As you probably know the head gasket is situated below this.

    Is there anything I should be aware of before removing the cylinder head? Also does anyone have any kind advice they would like to give me about this job?
  2. GTI

    GTI Forum Member

    Yeah, its not a simple job and you should really get it done by someone who knows what they are doing!
  3. GTI

    GTI Forum Member

    You really should browse the forum before asking questions too! This was on the SAME PAGE!!

    Edited by: GTi.
  4. DCB 16V New Member

    I did browse the forum. I dont no about you but I cant afford to pay 400 for someone to do it for me, hence why I am doing it myself. Thats what these forums are for, advice etc.
  5. GTI

    GTI Forum Member

    You didn't look very herd then did you?

    and 400!!!!!!!! for a head gasket????!!!!! that's daylight robbery.
  6. DCB 16V New Member

    Yes I did look hard thanks. Its not just a head gasket is it? its hours of labour and parts too. Are you gonna help or are you just here to be annoying? Hard is spelt hard not herd.

  7. GTI

    GTI Forum Member

    I'm not trying to take a leak you off I'm trying to get you to be sensible.

    A head gasket itself is about 30, the labour shouldn't be 370. You can get the entire engine out and back in again for that money.

    My point about reading the forum was that this topic is dicussed in another thread titled "Head Gasket help needed!" and it was on the same page whe you posted, so of course I thought you hadn't looked!!

    As for my spelling. there is a drastic difference between spelling and typing fast - don't be a tit.

    And, I was helpful enough to point t you in the direction of a thread that tells you everything you need to know!!
  8. DCB 16V New Member

    You have to pay for it to get skimmed aswell. I have had a number of quotes ranging from 300 to 400. Even if it was 100 I still want to do it myself. Ive already started and just wanted to no if there is anything i need to know when taking the head off. I looked at the thread and It didnt really answer my question so I thort i'd ask my own.
  9. octane Forum Junkie

    you will need a head gasket, head bolts, and you might as well do the cam belt and tensioner whilst your at it.
    The haynes manual will help you out with it, its not easy, but its not hard.
  10. DCB 16V New Member

    do you mean replace the cam belt and tensioner whislt im at it?
  11. KeithMac Forum Junkie

    I`d do cambelt, cambelt tensioner and camchain whlie you`ve got it all in bits..
  12. GTI

    GTI Forum Member

    You only need to get the head skimmed if it is warped, and if you'd read the other thread you'd have picked up a good tip for working out if it has.

    Sorry to get back to the female doging, but what is wrong with you anyway? Trying to pick me up on spelling, when yours is so obviously atrocious, and you can't even read ...

    Oh yeah, while I'm at it:

    You were asking a general question to which the other thread gave a general answer - how can that have not answered your question? That's like asking someone to name a colour and then saying they haven't answered the question if they don't say red!!!

    Why didn't you you tack a more specific question to the end of the other thread and save us all going over the same ground twice? That's exactly why I mentioed the other thread in the first place!

    Edited by: GTi.
  13. If you're going to be a cocky little fuck and point out spelling mistakes and the like, you won't get any help at all. Buy a fucking Haynes book of lies,(or even better, the Bentley manual) read it and follow the instructions. It's an easy enough job unless you start breaking off studs, in which case (given the level of knowledge you seem to have) you will be paying the 400 garage bill anyway.
  14. And 370? I would supply and fit an engine for that price........
  15. DAVE 2227 Forum Junkie

    Replacing a head gasket should be made a permanent topic in the tech section as it is probably one of the most frequent major undertakings in any cars life that most of us have or would like to be able to try and the same questions are being answered on a weekly basis.With some differences in opinion I have noticed.
    This would greatly help the freeing up more time to talk a lot of bollox about other things.
  16. DCB 16V New Member

    'GTI.' and 'TheSecondCumming' should meet up and w*** each other dry for a few hours to release a bit of tension (if you havent already), I think it might help.

    Thanks to the others who have offered your kind advice and not a lesson on how to be a f**king t**t and take a leak people off.

    Some people think you have to be a f**king mechanic to ask questions on this site. I dont think it would have half as many users if that was the case, and would probably have more users if it wasn't for f**king tunnel testers like 'GTI.' and 'TheSecondComing'

  17. DCB - you don't have to be a mechanic, you don't even need to have any mechanical knowledge. But when you start correcting people's spelling and then insulting them, that basically marks you out as an asshole. I'm a mechanical engineer, I know a good bit about VW's. I could change a head gasket in my sleep. If I met you in real life and you talked to me the way you did on the forum tonight I would knock you to the fucking floor before you even got a chance to apologise. It's easy to be a cocky prick when you are behind a computer but when you meet people face to face they tend to be somewhat more soft. Now I could walk you through a gasket change step by step, but why would I? You can buy a Haynes manual for 12 and that will tell you. If you run into problems, you could ask here. After the way you got on tonight, you'd probably be told to fuck off, but that's your own fault. Learn from your mistakes - by reading your post most people will form the opinion that you are an arsehole, and that will stop them replying to any future questions you ask. Try again - register a new user name, and start changing your gasket. If you have problems, then ask on here - I and many others will be more than willing to help you. There's plenty of people here who are happy to help you- but not when you come across as a complete wanker.
  18. Tuff Schmitt Forum Junkie


    His name is Eugenio Mara de Hostos y Bonilla, by the way.
    You can read about him here: Hostos.

    Everytime somebody posts a thread and then pointlessly attacks the people that reply, I'm going to post something like this.
    Edited by: Tuff Schmitt
  19. Nice 'tache, Dean. Oh by the way, you spelt "renewal" wrongly in your subject title. I wouldn't normally complain about or even mention spelling mistakes, but seeing as you're so picky about them.......
  20. DCB 16V New Member

    If your such a good engineer you would no that the f**king haynes manual dosent tell you how to change a headgasket on a 16V.

    You seem to think you are hard but I would wipe the floor with you just like I did with your mums pussy last night!

    Dont you get it, I only picked out a spelling mistake because your gay lover GTI. was being a sarky c**t!
    The spelling mistake conversation is nearly as boring as your mum was, just before I wipe the floor clean with her pussy!

    Laters female dog!

    p.s you wont be calling me cocky when your putting out the fire on your familys backs!
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