My A6 written off

Discussion in 'Ooooops!' started by MK1jettaGTi, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. MK1jettaGTi

    MK1jettaGTi Club GTI Sponsor and Supporter Trader

    Well, at last I can post this up.

    A 17 kid in a Corsa hit my A6 back in May 09, but because of a complicated insurance company battle I've not put anything up on the web.

    Anyway, cheque's in the bank now and full no claims reinstated so here's a few pics. Basically the Corsa came round a roundabout too quick, drifted to my side of the road and whacked my car. 3 broken suspension arms, steering rack broken off, driveshaft bent etc etc.

    Written off by insurers a couple of days later.



  2. conor2469 Forum Member

    Glad you got what you were owed in the end. I take it the stupid little scrote wouldn't take responsibility for his actions?
  3. Devon Dubber

    Devon Dubber Forum Member

    Sorry to see that done to such a cool car.

    Glad you were OK...

    IDIOTS!!!! Drive within you limits and the conditons, its not rocket science!
  4. MK1jettaGTi

    MK1jettaGTi Club GTI Sponsor and Supporter Trader

    It was a girl to be honest, didn't have the heart to scream and shout, so was ultra nice and caring and sensitive and all that ****, then a month or so later she starting claiming our car was on the wrong side of the road etc, luckily, we took loads of photos and measurements and when we got serious and mentioned the word 'court' it was all cleared up very quickly.

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