Fitting mk2 headliner from myrtle

Discussion in 'Styling, Trim and Bodywork' started by RichardDarrenB, Mar 14, 2024.

  1. RichardDarrenB Paid Member Paid Member

    Jan 27, 2005
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    United Kingdom
    Hi all

    Aiming to tackle this lovely job today weather permitting.

    For those that bought a headliner from Myrtle (or any other where the various little holes for things like visors/grab handles were not pre cut out)

    Or those that retrimmed thier own as the principle applies?

    Did you cut the material out to the exact shape of the hole or did you cut oversize and glue round the back if that makes sense? Like you have ro wirh the sunroof aperture, for example.

    Last edited: Mar 14, 2024
  2. pstarkey Paid Member Paid Member

    Mar 10, 2024
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    Richard - appreciate this was a while ago, but how did it go?

    I removed my headliner shell (or whatever its called) today and as expected and it mentions on here the shell piece is not in a good state, so just looking at options of repairing or getting a new complete on from Myrtle so keen to know what the recommended option is?
  3. RichardDarrenB Paid Member Paid Member

    Jan 27, 2005
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    United Kingdom
    Hello, please see below my thoughts on this screenshotted from the thread in member motors

    Screenshot_20241023_203930_Samsung Internet.jpg
  4. pstarkey Paid Member Paid Member

    Mar 10, 2024
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    Thanks and noted useful to know.
    RichardDarrenB likes this.
  5. Rustbuster

    Rustbuster Paid Member Paid Member

    Sep 20, 2020
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    Just remember not to cut the sunroof aperture out until the headliner is installed in the car as the liner material is cut to fit the sunroof aperture in the roof of the car not the aperture in the headliner backing. Don’t ask how I know this..[xxx]
    pstarkey likes this.
  6. RichardDarrenB Paid Member Paid Member

    Jan 27, 2005
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    United Kingdom
    ^^^ agreed

    Buy a scalpel and some brush on adhesive for this as the spray stuff is too wild gets everywhere
    pstarkey likes this.
  7. pstarkey Paid Member Paid Member

    Mar 10, 2024
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    Is this when you buy the complete headliner and headliner board which I have done or fitting new headliner to the original board as I need to do this and can only see cutting the liner for the aperture in the board? Or am I missing something?
  8. RichardDarrenB Paid Member Paid Member

    Jan 27, 2005
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    United Kingdom
    It's both situations.

    Have you already taken the old one out?

    If not, pull the inner sunroof seal and you will see that there is flap of material that is glued back over the actual roof skin of the car. If you have pulled it out already, 100% you will see remains of the old material still stuck down or clamped under the sunroof parts where it tore when the old one was taken out.

    Basically you clip the new liner up into position and cut the material out slightly bigger than the sunroof opening, and fold it back over and glue to the inner roof skin.

    From memory you have to Undo some sunroof bits to get the flap of material under where it needs to go, and refitting helps to clamp it all down nicely.

    Don't be tempted to cut the material exactly the same size as the aperture and expect the sunroof seal to hold it up - it won't

    Skip to the end of this video and you will see what I mean:

    Last edited: Oct 28, 2024
  9. RichardDarrenB Paid Member Paid Member

    Jan 27, 2005
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    United Kingdom
    Also another tip - if your OG sunroof trim panel and around the sunroof winder panel is wearing the factory material, leave it that way and don't replace it with the offcuts of material you get from the supplier. Same goes for the sun visors.

    Reason is the material they send is too thick so the sunroof panel will jam in operation and cause no end of problems. Ask how I know!

    If you have bought from HW it's good enough a match to leave these bits as they are from the factory.
  10. pstarkey Paid Member Paid Member

    Mar 10, 2024
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    Yes old one all out and I have done the sunroof opening inner panel and it seems ok this is a HW kit. Noted on the way to fit the new one. Doing the visors seems tricky and the light and winder trim panel so will leave that and see how the colour looks.

    Thanks for the advice the kit seems well made and good quality so will update when done.

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