Hi there everyone, Just looking for a bit of advice. I bought this golf about a year ago and since owning it it has never run up to temp as it should. I have had everything changed on the engine and even a new head gasket put in it and still this issue occurs and from that I dont get any heat coming into the car from the heater. Does anyone know what might be wrong? Cheers
I had a 1.8 that wouldn't heat up, turned out to be a corroded seat where the stat sat against, letting coolant bypass it.
When you said you had everything changed on the engine - what exactly has been changed to date? When it comes to heating, there are normally just a couple of culprits: 1. Thermostat 2. Silted up system - has the system been/ever been flushed and new coolant installed? 3. Radiator - may be significantly silted up, on a Mk1 GTI that I had, I literally had to pull the radiator out and flush it with a hose for about 30 minutes before I finally got all the rust and gunk out of it, replaced the coolant and thermostat after that and I had loads of heat.
Hi, to date I have had changed: - All coolent hoses - Head Gasket - Water Pump - Themostate mulitple times - Water Pump - The head was reconditioned - Heater Matrix bypass - Multiple coolent flushes as well I have had the rad out and flushed it when i got it but still nver ran right
Well in fairness that's a lot of work (and expense) - the only other thing I can think of and it's unlikely is a possible air lock/bubble in the system. It can happen but I'm presuming that the system was correctly 'burped' to ensure that there was no air trapped
Join the club. New matrix and thermostat inbound. Together we will get to the root of the problem!! https://www.clubgti.com/forums/index.php?threads/heating-again.290655/
Is it actually running cold, or just not getting warm in the cabin? Is the fan cutting in? Where does the gauge sit? Tbh it sounds like either a blocked heater matrix, or the covering miss off the heater flaps.
Yep was filled correctly, but I even replaced the themostate again, and refuilled the coolent to have teh same issue. I thought it could be a dodge temp sensor, so will purchase a new one soon.
Not getting warn into the cabin and the fan is kicking in, so makes me think it is a faulty guadge or sensor at this point. Have had a lot of the foam come through the vents over the past year, but not sure how that would help replacing it. Not the best when comes to the heater knowledge.
If the foam is gone from the flaps the heat will just escape in to space. The flaps have big weight saving holes in them so even if they are closed the air will just pass through the holes. Essentially none if the warm air is being directed through the various channels to the foot well, dash vents etc. Mind you dont get any of that foam in your eyes! Nasty stuff! Personal experience.
Have already experienced thats. Hurts like hell. Is it all easy to replace or is a week job? and would this mean that you wouldnt be able to feel the air as hot as it should be?
Yes, it's an incredibly common problem/fix on mk2s, I've done about 6! Google mk2 heater box flaps and you'll see. https://www.vwgolfmk2.co.uk/clubforum/index.php?topic=63.0 I use lightweight carpet now like what you see on a crew cab wall or in a camper van.
If you could get a spare set of flaps from the likes of Dubstock, and have them cleaned, recovered and glued for a few days, you'd do a heater box refresh in a night. The usual practice is to replace the heater matrix at the same time.