Devastated (Bad News)

Discussion in 'Ooooops!' started by pimped-gti, Aug 23, 2011.

  1. A.N. Other Banned after significant club disruption Dec 5th 2

    Oct 23, 2003
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    You're not trying hard enough and you're resorting to thinking like a criminal instead.

    Stem the tide of the exact mentality that does this country a disservice - and be relentless with the Police.
  2. mk1. Forum Junkie

    Oct 22, 2003
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    you need to ask the police are they going to wait until somebody burns to death before they act? if the car was a bit closer to the house it could of been a lot worse[8(]
  3. JettaTDi

    JettaTDi Forum Member

    Dec 8, 2006
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    Exactly there is a lot that can be done, Willful Fire Raising or Recless Conduct is a serious crime, if you are getting nowhere are Division Level, write to the Chief Constable.

    Don't lower yourself to the little scrots level, its you who will come off worse, and then they have won again.
  4. RoryH Forum Member

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Portishead, Bristol
    Devastated for you mate, it really makes my blood boil when there things happen [:x]
  5. Admin Guest

    indeed, have people nothing better to do[:x]

    but yes body panels must be worth something to someone for the crap look.
  6. Richard Mk2

    Richard Mk2 Paid Member Paid Member

    Apr 29, 2007
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    London / Bucks
    Totally gutted for you mate! [8(]

    It looked mint before. What is wrong with people these days!

    This is why im so paranoid about my MK2.

    I know its not the same but some little **** keyed every panel on one of my previous MK2's.
    I could of killed someone but never knew who done it or why ?

    At least you know who done it. Whether you sort him out or the police do, i hope he gets what he deserves [:x]
  7. welshwizzard88

    welshwizzard88 Forum Member

    Aug 15, 2010
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    Police are useless just interested in getting easy conviction!!! I know a few tough nuts in Glasgow one being a cage fighter sure he can sort it best to distance your self from revenge
  8. matt d Forum Member

    Oct 22, 2003
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    Just read all this, bloody nightmare.
    With all the goings on in this country over the last few weeks i think the papers and tv etc would be interested as this sums everything up.
    I'd start shouting a bit louder if i were you.
  9. Ditchyboy Forum Member

    Jul 16, 2009
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    Shepshed, J23 M1
    Gutted for you mate so sorry to read this.
    I have known a few things down here where the police just dont bother or as there is too much paperwork they cant be ar*ed. My cousin had her car broken into on her drive (i know its not as bad as a fire) and they got fingerprints and he was on the system and known to them but they said they didnt have enough evidence!!!
    Someone else i know kept getting there cars keyed and they have seen him do it and got him on CCTV but not the best quality so they said they couldnt prove it.
    This country is going to the dogs!!
  10. rubjonny

    rubjonny Administrator Staff Member Admin

    Oct 31, 2003
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    problem is though if the police go to all the effort of arresting then taking it to the courts, then it gets thrown out due to lack of evidence it just ends up being a waste of time and our taxes. this is probably why they are reluctant to go ahead with it. getting scrotes into jail not just down to the police unfortunately!
  11. 2dubnick Forum Junkie

    Nov 22, 2006
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    ^Thats it RJ, doing the rite thing is just a drain on the over stressed legal system and its unlikely to get you anywhere.

    Best thing to do is befriend some gypos and use them as your vigilante tools, also doesnt get you anywhere but would make me feel better, eye for an eye ect would mean you should burn his car, as its unlikely he has one just setting fire to him will have to do.
  12. swaffGTI Forum Member

    Jan 13, 2007
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    south with the fairies
    sorry to see, I'd like to say unbelievable but it doesn't seem so at the moment

    either way its not worth fighting with him, as harsh as it is karma will come back around, the fact he apparenty spends his evenings with a dog sounds like he's already has got what he deserves :thumbup:
  13. welshwizzard88

    welshwizzard88 Forum Member

    Aug 15, 2010
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    Just notice quite a few comments on the CCTV front:

    I install high end CCTV for Goverment if you want your CCTV image to be used as evidence the image must be what is described as 110% this is that you need to have the persons head and sholders taking up 100% of the screen on a square Monitor.

    in addition the Digital Video recorder needs to be able to burn to disc and Watermark it if your CCTV does not do that you may as well not bother buying it as the police cant use it. hower fitting lots of dummy cameras certainly actsas a deterant.

    Be warned anyone can request a copy of there footage and you have 30 days to produce it at a resonable cost!!!! So would be crim might do it to check out quality of recording

    Anyone want further Info fell free to PM me i can provide some Litrature on it.
  14. pimped-gti Forum Member

    May 13, 2006
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    Port Glasgow, Scotland
    Thanks guys for all your input & advice. Situation got me so stressed out past few weeks[:x] but a least i know who done & were he lives & wasnt aimed at me personaly, the whole town knows it was him & even some of his own friends the same age have started blanking him & wants nothing to do with him. He's made so many enimies in this town by breaking into garages,sheds,houses & seting the sheds n garages on fire & even set fire to an empty block of flats putting firemens lives at risk.
    Lets hope he trips up in the next one he sets on fire

    As for the police wether its cant or wont, not heared anything more from them..

    Yeah any advice on CCTV would be great :thumbup: my system is the a dvr with the dvd writer/hdd, videos are time/date stamped, system can be hooked up internet ableing me to veiw my cameras anywere in the world, so it is a decent system...
  15. A.N. Other Banned after significant club disruption Dec 5th 2

    Oct 23, 2003
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    There's hearing from people, and there's being pro-active with them. Have you sent the Police the letter suggested earlier in the thread?
  16. welshwizzard88

    welshwizzard88 Forum Member

    Aug 15, 2010
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    PM me for any advice on CCTV if enough intrest prehaps i might start a how to thread the more people that can set up there system for recognition evidence the less toe rags there will be on the streets damaging our beloved cars!!!
  17. mathj Forum Member

    Oct 18, 2006
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    had this done to my car a few months ago, some p%&*^s tried to steal my car and when they could'nt get it started they decided to push it down a small hill into a wall and then smash all the glass.
    had almost a identical reply from the police (not interested)
    they didnt even call out to see me, just sent a nice letter saying they where not going to follow it up


    i am lucky as the damage to my car is repairable but it cost me a small fortune!

    also has my windscreen smashed outside my house and was advised by the police to install cctv
    after i spent a small fortune on a camera setup my car was damaged by some scrote and it was caught on camera, i called the police and even told them who the person was that i got on cctv damaging my car and i got the, its not good enough quality reply/excuse.
  18. lewp91 Forum Member

    May 9, 2011
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    Hertfordshire, United Kingdom
    has he got a car? burn it with him in it.. the f***er...
  19. Richard Mk2

    Richard Mk2 Paid Member Paid Member

    Apr 29, 2007
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    London / Bucks

    Sorry to hear that mate!! What is going on ! [:x]

    Sounds like a plan. [:^:]
  20. mk28vICED Forum Member

    May 9, 2006
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    fook me that is bad! i need cctv in my life.

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