F1 2010

Discussion in 'Computers and Consoles' started by Deako, Sep 25, 2010.

  1. Deako Paid Member Paid Member

    Who has it then? Got it today with some vouchers i had for HMV for my 30th Birthday 2 weeks ago.

    Really enjoying it so far. Have done a long weekend on the first race of the season at Bahrain.

    It really helps with the gameseat and the steering wheel.

    Chose Virgin Racing as my first team (you get the choice of Lotus, Virgin or Hispania). And i qualified 1st and finished 3rd. On intermediate difficulty, full sim on tyres and fuel, with the only assist of racing line (to learn the tracks) and traction control (till i learn the cars).

    Control seems great, its nice having such a huge amount of downforce and hammering it around corners at full throttle. Have to say, this is easily the best F1 game i have played.

    Looking forward to my championship developing now.
  2. Richard Mk2

    Richard Mk2 Paid Member Paid Member

    thats weird because i was going to put up a thread about this game. Going to buy it tomorrow i think. Whats the graphics like deako.
  3. Deako Paid Member Paid Member

    Awesome graphics. Really, really enjoying every aspect of it. Codemasters have got it spot on. If you have played Dirt 2, its a similar format in that you access everything from within your trailer. Pretty good.
  4. RallyeVR6

    RallyeVR6 Forum Junkie

    Is this game a full on sim type game or arcade racing?

    I felt kinda duped in Grid when it was described more towards a sim than arcade and once I had it it felt fully arcadey to me.

    Now I am reading F1 2010 is also more towards Sim than Arcade compared to previous Codemaster racers yet you managed to qualify a Virgin car on Pole position.

    Even on intemediate level, qualifying a car that is what, 10 secs a lap off the pace in the real world, on pole in a Sim doesn't sound like a Sim. It sounds like its an arcade game for the masses.

    Please tell me I'm wrong. I've wanted a full on F1 racing Sim since the days of Geoff Crammonds F1 Grand Prix.
  5. BURNI

    BURNI Forum Member

    I picked this up yesterday will have a try with it today need to get my wheel out and give it a proper bash.

    From what im reading RallyeVR6 in full sim mode is supposed to be quite tricky will try later and report back, I bought it on ps3 tho but does have good wheel support my g25 is supported, a few have said ffb can seem a little vague but sure it can be over come with a play with settings.

    Gran turismo 5 in a month tho so can see this being put on the shelf then :lol:
  6. Deako Paid Member Paid Member

    Up the difficulty for harder game. Its not very forgiving, i just happened to have absolutely stonking qualifying laps. My race was much harder, and very intense. The AI definitely needs to be upped i think to expert ai instead of intermediate to suit my gaming ability.

    Bearing in mind, i had literally done 40 laps by the time i was at Q3. You can do full race weekends. So had learnt the Bahrain GP circuit very well.

    Its definitely sim, but as with any game, has assists etc to make it more accessible for people that dont want it. Id say definitely give it a go. It has scored very highly, and many have acclaimed it the best F1 game yet. Even better than the Geoff Crammind PC F1 GP games of the 90s.

    The only thing i would say, is that to make it a little easier to set your car up, you have a slider bar. From full wet to full dry. With each click of the slider bar affecting your cars settings. Makes it a little easier than changing angles of wings to the nth degree.

    A steering wheel is essential. A friend of mine is playing on a pad with the same game difficulty settings, and he has qualified last and finished last in each race. :thumbup:

    There also appears to be a game bug at present. If you pit when your engineer tells you, you get boxed in at the pits and end up coming out last. Instead, pit the lap after he tells you to.
  7. RIP-MK3 Forum Addict

    ^^ sounds like you have hamilton's race engineer :lol:
  8. RallyeVR6

    RallyeVR6 Forum Junkie

    Ya see, the thing is and it's probably just my synical ultra hard core GTR sim mind, but for a sim of you driving a car so off the pace as the virgins are, it should be pretty much impossible to do what is impossible in the real world. I.e get that car on pole,even on amazing laps and on easy. Those cars are easentailly in a different class to the rest of the field(like being gt2 cars racing against gt1 cars) and should be modelled as such.

    For me that part of the game should be about beating the closer rivals, lotus and hispania, to qualify for a faster seat and the n getting closer to the mid field pack. It should be that bit of the game that is easier, not being able to stick a dog of a car on pole position. Ruins the "racing simulation and career progression" idea and makes me wonder why you would want to continue playing te game to get to faster cars, if you can win with the slowest possible car.
  9. Deako Paid Member Paid Member

    I agree, and thats why im going to up the ai and difficulty settings. Might have just been a total fluke for me though.
  10. mat-mk3

    mat-mk3 Administrator Admin

    I play GTR lots and this is very good.
    It looks amazing, Handles great with my G25. Well worth a buy!:thumbup:
  11. BURNI

    BURNI Forum Member

    Gt legends far better:thumbup:
  12. mat-mk3

    mat-mk3 Administrator Admin

    Made by the same people and GTR is newer so would prob be base on the same game engine.

    Played for a couple of hours On the single player today. Love how you have to develop the car as you go through the season.
  13. RallyeVR6

    RallyeVR6 Forum Junkie

    I have a friend that on one days worth of ownership is back on GTR with the endorsment of "F1 is *****", "its Uberarcady" and "its physics are worse than Toca".

    hmmm. [8(]
  14. Rigs Paid Member Paid Member

    Seriously, if you want a driving game avoid at all costs.

    The only hint of physics I've found is the fact that if you hit something your car breaks ( a little bit )

    Otherwise, the PC version is buggy as hell. The interface is annoying.

    It's just GRID with an F1 revamp.
    It's a racing game that you can play using your keyboard...

    I played 2-3 hours of multiplayer with friends last night and actually ended up unpluging g25 as it makes so little difference it's comedy.

    GTR Evolution is still the king of racers with rFactor a close second.

    F1 2010 is probably great if you're a joypad weilding kiddie who cant handle anything requiring an ounce of skill.

    Back to driving my R8 round the nordschleife sideways in GTR!
  15. mat-mk3

    mat-mk3 Administrator Admin

    I hated GRID but love this![:$]

    I do understand what you mean about keyboards though. Its a codemasters game and they like to make everything even with whatever control set you are using.
    Its proof that a G25 does help though. I was playing with 8 mates the other night (Untill 1 in the morning:lol:) and was easy 5 seconds ahead of the controllers & up to 15 seconds on the keyboards. WIth a wheel you can just take so much kirb and hold it but with a keyboard or controller if you touch a kirb you spin.

    I must be missing somthing on GTR as whenever i look for a game there is hardly anyone playing it!
  16. Deako Paid Member Paid Member

    Its awesome. Played the 2nd race for 2 hours last night, and im still only on Q2. Physics seems great on the Xbox with assists off and full sim on. Turned difficulty up to Professional now, but still got through Q1 in 13th, so going to up this to Legendary i think.
  17. Ben U Forum Member

    I got this at the weekend, found it very difficult to get the hang of it and traffic to be a nightmare, much like real life in that respect!

    Started on Legendary but really struggled with traction so popped medium traction control on and down to hard it seems a lot better. All on controller though so response is limited and might be better with a steering wheel and pedals.

    Anyone else getting punctures left right and centre? I had 8 in the first race at full length (which i had to turn off after 42 laps due to needing to go out) and dropped to last by about a minute and 30 seconds after 5 laps because of it. Apart from that it's pretty good, hopefully finish the first race tonight and start trying to learn the next one.

    Cockpit view is also useless, cannot see a thing at Bahrain due to elevation and blind corners!
  18. Deako Paid Member Paid Member

    Not had a single puncture yet. Too much gravel trapping for you i think ;)
  19. RIP-MK3 Forum Addict

    played at a mates at the weekend, what a quality game. What I found weird was you really do get in a rythm with the game, its almost like it becomes instinctive? Never driven an F1 car, but it handle's how I imagine them too.

    I was playing two player split accross two TV's which was also brilliant
  20. Ben U Forum Member

    I'm thinking a bit too much using the kerbs, although not that much really!

    Definitely understand the rythm part, once you settle into it its fine. Keeping concentration can be difficult for that long! One slip and it all goes to pot!

    Challenging, that's why i like this game :thumbup:

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