F1 2010

Discussion in 'Computers and Consoles' started by Deako, Sep 25, 2010.

  1. mat-mk3

    mat-mk3 Administrator Admin

    Do it Luke[:|]
  2. nealey Forum Junkie

    I can add a bit to the wheel vs pad debate.

    There are currently four of us doing a challenge, we have to set the quickest time around monza in a mclaren, two of us are using wheels, two are using pads.

    Currently the winner is a second clear of 2nd place and is using a pad

    2nd, 3rd and 4th are less than a second apart although the wheel users are holding on to 2nd and 3rd position.
  3. chrismc Forum Junkie

    Is that just a time trial? Any assists on?

    Will give it a whirl myself if you don't mind and you give me the correct difficulty level!
  4. Deako Paid Member Paid Member

    Quite honestly I couldn't give a flying ****. :thumbup:
  5. Deako Paid Member Paid Member

    I have better things to waste my time on. Played F1 3x times. Currently busting a move on Dance Central.

    Dooby, just for you. In my opinion, with Dance Central the Kinect peripheral is essential.
  6. DOOBY

    DOOBY Banned

    Now that's no contradiction!
  7. drunkenalan Paid Member Paid Member

    I like this game!! but i couldnt be arsed with full length GP's!!

    my 2p i have never been able to get on with steering wheels for gaming, I guess its personal preference at the end of the day!
  8. nealey Forum Junkie

    It finished up a wheel user took the lead by 0.4 of a second

    Between 1st place and last place was just 1.1 seconds so it finished up pretty close.

    Pad users came 2nd and 3rd!
  9. G60KG

    G60KG Forum Member

    there is no way I would be able to play this game without the wheel. I just think my motor skills and coordination are just not up to it. I am going to finish up my second season on 'hard' driving with torro rosso and getting regular poles etc... what is the main difference between hard and expert? more damage as I think I may need to move up to that to keep it exciting.
  10. mat-mk3

    mat-mk3 Administrator Admin

    Selling the 360 Luke? I hope one is not buying a PS3...;)

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