1.8 t turbo

Discussion in '1.8 & 1.8T' started by v8rumble, Nov 13, 2020.

  1. v8rumble Paid Member Paid Member

    Jun 15, 2020
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    We have just fired up a rebuilt engine and got clouds of white smoke from the exhaust on a mk2 Golf conversion.

    The engine has bang on compression and no oil on the plugs or around the exhaust manifold on the head side.

    The turbo however is soaked in oil on the turbine side and slight oil on the compressor side.
    We are assuming the seals have blown in the turbo.

    We disconnected a lot of pipework so could we have caused this failure?

    The pics hopefully show what pipes we left in place as well as connecting the forge valve to the inlet.

    The turbo was a remanufactured KO3s but the supplier no longer exists on Ebay and their website phone number rings out and their facebook number says incorrect number so not looking promlsing.

    Any help appreciated turbo.jpg turbblock.jpg turbvalve.jpg

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  2. davidut5 Forum Member

    Oct 14, 2018
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    Only way oil could leak if turbo is good, is from a blocked oil drain. Otherwise turbo seals are bad.
  3. v8rumble Paid Member Paid Member

    Jun 15, 2020
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    Thanks for the reply.

    I am thinking along the same lines after doing a lot of reading and studying (harder than you think at 60 years old lol)

    I think we caused it as we ran a pipe from the crankcase straight to the rocker cover for start up and inadvertently created a blow by problem which caused crankcase pressure and thus prevented the oil draining back from the turbo so it went the only place it could, down the exhaust.

    Don't know if the link will work but it is very helpful for anyone that wants to know about pcv stuff


    First time dealing with a turbo so you never stop learning.

    We managed to contact the turbo Company and it appears the owner suffered two strokes then the Covid stuff came along. The facebook page is something an employee set up just so people could get an explanation on various stuff. He assured us the turbo will be okay and agreed with you that the oil was not draining back and suggested the breather as he called it was the problem.

    Thanks for taking the time to reply any help always welcome.:thumbup:
  4. davidut5 Forum Member

    Oct 14, 2018
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    Yes, sure sounds like the excessive crankcase pressure is the problem.
  5. v8rumble Paid Member Paid Member

    Jun 15, 2020
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    We will refit the turbo and let you know what happens, once we have sorted the oil leaking from the cam timing chain tensioner with the engine builder, but that is a different story [:[]
  6. v8rumble Paid Member Paid Member

    Jun 15, 2020
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    Forgot to say we will reinstate some sort of pcv system

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