Accelerator problem

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Technical Queries' started by stella, Sep 6, 2009.

  1. stella

    stella Forum Junkie

    Oct 22, 2003
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    East Midlands
    My accelerator doesn't seem to come all the way up when I take my foot off. So then it seems like the car's ticking over really fast.

    If I put my foot under it, I can push it up a bit higher, then tickover slows down. Obviously I can't do this all the time, so is there a cure? (It would also be nice to get a bit more mileage to the gallon.)

  2. neil kaye Forum Junkie

    Feb 13, 2008
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    sounds like the cable is sticking,usually at the engine end of it,if you can disconnect it and squirt some oil down the cable and work it back n too that may free it off,or it could be the throttle valve thats sticking,again try a bit of squirty on it
  3. stella

    stella Forum Junkie

    Oct 22, 2003
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    East Midlands
    Oh, I thought it went to the carburettor. I'll have a look in the morning. Will WD40 do, or will I need anything special, when I find it?

  4. neil kaye Forum Junkie

    Feb 13, 2008
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    sorry was assuming it was a gti,what i meant by engine side is the carb or on a gti the throttle body
    dont need owt special just a generous squirt of the wd40 then work it in
  5. jamesa Forum Junkie

    Nov 8, 2003
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    Quite a few areas to look at: 19 - 20 - all the pivots and adjuster

  6. WillG

    WillG Forum Member

    Mar 18, 2007
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    If it's a carb it'll probably be the big spring that the cable attaches to at the car.

    The return will be getting stuck somewhere, as above give it a good soaking in wd and work it back and forth, you should be able to feel if it's still getting stuck.

    I ended up buying a new cable and a new spring to fix this same problem.
  7. stella

    stella Forum Junkie

    Oct 22, 2003
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    East Midlands
    Being a bear of very little brain, I'd really appreciate if anyone could post a photo of the bit where I should be squirting stuff, as last time I tried to fix something, I broke it! [:$]

    I'm sure my Golf is a bit more robust than the inner workings of my sewing machine, but all the same, I have to take into account my blondeness! :lol:
  8. rubjonny

    rubjonny Administrator Staff Member Admin

    Oct 31, 2003
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    is this cable recent or the original one? probably needs replacing if its the original.

    if you disconnect the end from the carb work the throttle on the carby and make sure it springs shut, if its sticky it'll need some cleanerising.

    while the cable is off if you look at the metal cably bit where it disappears into the plasticy outer bit, this is where you want to spray the lube. make sure its proper spary lube, WD40 wont last 5 minutes, something like silicone spray or something is what you want! Pull the cable out as far as you can, then spray a blast down it. pus hthe cable in & out a couple of times, then put another blast down there for good measure.

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