Budget garage build

Discussion in 'Garages, workshops & DIY' started by 1990, Jul 5, 2013.

  1. nut 20v

    nut 20v CGTI Regional Host - Birmingham & Midlands

    Oct 18, 2011
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    Overtaking you
    Come on then you have had long enough wheres the pics :thumbup:
    1990 likes this.
  2. 1990

    1990 Paid Member Paid Member

    Oct 22, 2003
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    Rochdale, Lancs
    Damn work!!! I'm working on my own so am not getting chauffeured around lol

    I'll try and do it from my phone now.
  3. 1990

    1990 Paid Member Paid Member

    Oct 22, 2003
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    Rochdale, Lancs
    Here are some terrible photos but its a lovely door!! 40mm insulated beauty!!

    White on the inside

    Black wood grain on the outside, also has a nice little badge on it which I might swap for a Club GTI one ;)
  4. nut 20v

    nut 20v CGTI Regional Host - Birmingham & Midlands

    Oct 18, 2011
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    Overtaking you
    Nice and secure there :thumbup:
  5. 1990

    1990 Paid Member Paid Member

    Oct 22, 2003
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    Rochdale, Lancs
    I started filling it with junk today. I got some racking from work and should be able to get another the same. I put my sons punch bag up and put all my beer and tools in a metal cupboard I also get from work (they are moving to a smaller unit).


    It's quite neat at the minute but I'm sure I won't be able to move in there soon lol

    My misus got me a small consumer unit for christmas so i should be able to electric in there soonish.
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2013
  6. Trev16v

    Trev16v Paid Member Paid Member

    Oct 22, 2003
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    Is the bag to stop you reversing too far into the wall?
    StuMc and 1990 like this.
  7. SkyRocketeer

    SkyRocketeer Forum Member

    Oct 22, 2003
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    Here be dragns

    My mum had a tennis ball on a bit of string to stop her putting the tow-bar of her rover through all my dads shelving in their garage- dangled from the rafters and donks on the rear window when it's time to stop.
  8. 1990

    1990 Paid Member Paid Member

    Oct 22, 2003
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    Rochdale, Lancs
    I finally turned the window over and fitted the glass!!!

    Only downside to that was the lack of a side door, the metal one I got was drafty so I was on the lookout for a PVC one. My opening is 90cm so obviously I bought one that was 92cm wide lol . I shaved the ribs off the sides and it still didn't fit so tonight I took the Stihl saw to the wall and opened it up a bit.

    I also have electric in there now but still need to dig a supply cable to the house and fit trunking over my wires.


    Consumer unit

    Wires under the roof space
  9. 1990

    1990 Paid Member Paid Member

    Oct 22, 2003
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    Rochdale, Lancs
    I also got a load of stuff from work. This is the first racking I put up:

    I got 2 lots of that racking, a tall metal cupboard, a small metal cupboard, a metal wall cupboard and a load of plastic bins/cubby hole things.
  10. murph81 Forum Member

    Feb 23, 2010
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    Republic of Ireland.
    Nice work, are you going painting it?

    Can't wait to have my own place with a garage!
  11. 1990

    1990 Paid Member Paid Member

    Oct 22, 2003
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    Rochdale, Lancs
    I'm not sure about painting it. That pic just had a lamp on but now it has proper lights its realy bright as it is.
  12. mercedeslimos Forum Member

    Jul 3, 2010
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    Cork, ROI
    I'm in the process of painting my walls, picked up a gallon of cheap white emulsion in Aldi with a brush for under a tenner. 100 worth of Farbex floor paint (RAL 7000 Grey) applied with a pound shop mini roller, thinned coat then uncut. This has made it a different place to work in!
    1990 likes this.
  13. murph81 Forum Member

    Feb 23, 2010
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    Republic of Ireland.
    However bright it is now, some light paint on the walls will make a huge difference!
    1990 likes this.
  14. mono matt Forum Member

    May 25, 2013
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    Cool, even has it's own letter box :-) would make an excellent man cave when the misses is on one ;)
  15. Prawn Forum Member

    Apr 7, 2008
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    Loving this thread!

    After 5 years in a rented flat with a tiny single garage, we're looking to move early this year, and building a big garage is the first thing I plan to do when I get a place.

    Do you mind me asking roughly how much it's cost you start to finish? From your earlier summary it looks somewhere around 3k in total? or has it gone beyond that now?
  16. 1990

    1990 Paid Member Paid Member

    Oct 22, 2003
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    Rochdale, Lancs
    It's got a spy hole as well!!! lol

    Cheers, i love you members motors thread x x ;)

    I've gone over budject, I'd say its cost an extra 750ish. I was planning on a used door (glad I didn't find one now though) so that put the cost up but all the free stuff from work was great.

    Thank you all for reading :thumbup:
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2014
  17. Pete 85 New Member

    Oct 30, 2009
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    Good work, just read the lot:thumbup:

    I'm getting close to starting mine, but like most people money is the problem to how far I get!

    Nice work on the roof to.
    1990 likes this.
  18. Prawn Forum Member

    Apr 7, 2008
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    Thanks man.

    Free stuff from work is something I'm counting on too! haha. Or at least considerably reduced cost!

    I'm a site engineer for a major civils firm, and will be working in the same city I'll be building the garage in, so hopefully I can get blocks / materials, concrete, and a mini digger all at site rates, and perhaps persuade a few of the lads to help out with the block work for cash in hand.

    What was the original budget?

    I need to find a place and get a size worked out once we're in. I'm thinking of making mine wide enough to work on the A3, and should be able to squeeze my mini in sideways at one end. All comes down to space I guess!
  19. 1990

    1990 Paid Member Paid Member

    Oct 22, 2003
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    Rochdale, Lancs
    I was hoping about 1500 at first lol That would have been smaller with me mixing the concrete myself, doing the blocks myself, used door and flat/shed like roof. It would have resembled a shanty town. i prefer it how it's ended up though, it's taken a while but that's helped by stretching the cash out and meant I didn't need to borrow.
  20. 1990

    1990 Paid Member Paid Member

    Oct 22, 2003
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    Rochdale, Lancs
    Here it is now, full of crap before paint.

    Organised tools:

    The messy storage bit:
    Most of it will go back into my R32 one day

    The bit for the car:
    All the sheets of ply, the door and bed will be going so it will be tidier.

    The beading on the window that doesn't fit:

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