'How do you keep an idiot in suspense?' springs to mind............ An expensive way to keep everyone quite nonetheless Gurds
Pretentious shiet. I would have had a huge curry a few hours before "the show", and then lit a fart halfway through. All in the name of art of course, vous comprendez?
The only thing is, I am not sure if I could have sold the same amount of tickets to pack the hall with my act alone. This way, the marrying of the two performances without the audience's prior knowledge would lead to a heightened cerebral state when the silence of his performance was shattered by my exploding flatulence. A surreal cacophony of sound as the crescendo of my methane burn echoes around the auditorium. And do not discount the nasal stimulation too. I would have added so much more to the performance I think you will agree?
It is my calling Ben, what can I do other than follow the path of my destiny? I would do anything for FART
How can you say that silence is a pile of ****?? Think of the silence when you go in a church... Think of the silence when your stood at the cenotaph at 11am on the 11th of november... To watch a youtube video of this is stupid... its about the tension that is created in the concert hall! Thats the way i see it anyway! Rich
i never mentioned silence in general just this "musical composition". hey not knocking it but if you can get people to pay to see this then well done, its like the artists that produce a blank canvas and people fall all over themselves to praise the "art" i just get the feeling that some people are just taking the pee, and laughing at all the experts who dare not say what everybody else thinks so they still appear intellectual. if you are happy to pay money to sit in a concert hall to experience the tension then i have some magic beans for sale and also an invisible suit its going to be all the fashion this year critics say
Check out me bangin, ambient, deep house, soul, reggae, trance, country, techno, pop, classical, jazz, rap, funk, grunge, folk, disco, metal, dubstep REMIX !!
I am glad you like the conceptual art that I produce when applying myself. It has taken years of thought, and studying of all musical styles to come up with this remarkable maelstrom of work, yet at the same time it can be still and tranquil. All down to the beholder. This was my aim, and I fully appreciate your response to my work that I have been formulating since my time on earth.
Yes, id like to Spoke today already with the ``Scheure`` promotor of Rock Werchter organising since 1977, many artists got their career launched there U2 ,Talking Heads, Dire Straits,Simple Minds, R.E.M ,Metalica .... the list goes on and on They are always in for new things, ``the Scheure `` said people are tired from all that load...they want more silence, more nature, its time for change and cheaper to organise too ....if it works here ,we can do it everywhere, starting with London, The States, Japan