Evening all, what would you recommend for a VAG specific code reader? The wife's 2013 Roomster is throwing up some odd faults and my generic reader is rubbish! I don't want to go mad as the car will be sold in the summer when a company car will appear, so what do I get? Ancel? Autophix? Something else?
What sort of price and from where? When her car goes and even when my mk2 ever gets done I won’t have a car to use it on so don’t want to go mad. Plus I’m money poor (Autocavan front mount rich mind!).
You can get one shipped from the US directly for about £220, or there are some UK sites selling them for around £225. Obviously its a lot of money, but for the features, support and work that Ross-Tech put in, its worth it!
Gendan does them. There is the option to upgrade to more vins, if you do more cars. Needed for all the late cars. Well worth it.
VCDS is the best of course but it's expensive for what the OP wants. If you have or can use/borrow an Android phone check out OBD eleven on eBay. It uses the internet for a cloud based solution, they send you a dongle which uses bluetooth. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/GENUINE-...749226?hash=item5d9bf90eaa:g:FdYAAOSwHP1eJYta I have one works ok on my mk5 GTI.