Oversized TIP - KO3s - Creation Motorsports One - hitting gear shift cables

Discussion in '1.8 & 1.8T' started by Natedogg, Apr 10, 2018.

  1. Natedogg Forum Member

    Mar 6, 2006
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    Verwood, Dorset
    Right here goes....
    i'm fitting an AGU lump into my 96 vento and have swapped the K03 for a K03s with a plan to get to 'stage 2' type of power.
    I bought the Oversized TIP from Creation Motorsports (AGU specific one - http://creationsmotorsport.com/inde...-silicone-turbo-intake-pipe-agu-arz-1987.html )
    However, whilst i expected the water pipe issue and have sorted this, the pipe blocks the gear shift cables!!
    I have tried google and various searches but come up with nothing.
    Is this because i have the early 02J shifter (which is like the 02A)? Would a swap to the later type change the cable routing perhaps?
    Have i fitted it up wrong (hard to know without pics i appreciate)!
    Am i routing the gear cables wrong perhaps?
    If anyone has had issues id appreciate any advise.
  2. Natedogg Forum Member

    Mar 6, 2006
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    Verwood, Dorset
    with the help of a vw specialist we cut about 12mm off the turbo end of the TIP.
    this now sort of clears the cables and i have gear selection back.
  3. Farmerchris

    Farmerchris Paid Member Paid Member

    Mar 21, 2017
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    Turbo inlet pipe fitment seems to be a bit of a compromise with most 20vt convesions. Especially with the gear linkage, battery, washer bottle and expansion tank all fighting for space
    Natedogg likes this.
  4. Golf mk9 Paid Member Paid Member

    Sep 15, 2020
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    I know this is old post but has anyone found way to resolve this , bought one of these expecting a straight fit ( once water pipe has been moved) but its sitting on the cables , was told by company it may need trimmed which i did , now it as short as it can be at tip end and still sits on cables
  5. jshep73 Forum Member

    Jan 5, 2015
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    I have a KO3s 45mm TIP from Creations and it is not a great fit. I have trimmed the turbo end abit and the TIP is resting on the bracket on the gearbox. As long as all moving parts aren't fouled I can't see an issue.

  6. Golf mk9 Paid Member Paid Member

    Sep 15, 2020
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    Thanks for you reply , yeah its just not a great fit at all and quite sure after some time rubbing against the cable bracket it not going to last but maybe im wrong cheers
  7. mrgr_18 Forum Member

    Jun 1, 2015
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    The creation stuff is cheaper than a lot of the stuff out there. Whether it's a lack of quality control or not enough r&d (got to keep costs down somehow after all or you would be paying same price as the bigger boys) but I've had some fitment issues on my leon with some of their gear and it was specifically designed for the mk4 golf / mk1 leon platform. Nothing that couldn't be overcome with light modifications. But on the plus side none of it has broken yet and it is pretty cheap. You get what you pay for and all that.
  8. Golf mk9 Paid Member Paid Member

    Sep 15, 2020
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    £120 for a silicone pipe i wouldnt class as cheap ,i also bought a k03s to ko4 charge pipe for £25 which doesnt fit either , after cutting it 3 times it on but kinks as its a 90 which its shouldnt be ( should be 105ish, but the actual quality of the silicone i think is good ,the tip would be fine if just bit small at turbo end
  9. cupracraig

    cupracraig Paid Member Paid Member

    Jul 14, 2015
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    South West
    ah this will be fun, i have one to fit in the next week or so
  10. Golf mk9 Paid Member Paid Member

    Sep 15, 2020
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    The turbo side needs trimmed down as short as possible and water pipe needs bent out the way , good tip is fitting your maf sensor before u fit to the turbo ,as it wasnt easy to get maf on at all

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