Hi im wanting to fit a vr tb to my 1.8t agu i have 3 wires on my vr tb and think 5 on my agu (could be wrong) does anyone know what wires go where and what i have to do to make it fit cheers in advance.
You will need wiring diagram to pinpoint 3 wires which you will need going to your ecu +5v - neg signal return And connect them to your throttle pot respectively If you no diagram then wires you need can be found by means of simple multi meter dc voltage tester
yeah pre-96 vr6 throttle body is no good as it only has a tps, the agu needs a post-96 vr tb which has the stepper motor inside. otherwise your agu will never idle properly
Did you ever get around to sorting this out mate. I need to fit an AGU TB to get my stupid Qpeng for it to run properly (previous owner engine change but fitted 3 pin TPS and these need calibrated to suit, PITA) and I have the same question. I have 3 wires but which one goes to what pin on the AGU TB plug positions?