Yet again, another 1.8T problem!!

Discussion in '1.8 & 1.8T' started by Richard Mk2, Jan 18, 2014.

  1. Richard Mk2

    Richard Mk2 Paid Member Paid Member

    Apr 29, 2007
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    London / Bucks
    Managed to fit the replacement cylinder head today, started her up and was greeted with 3 cylinders again, this time on cylinder 4 ?

    To eliminate a few things I -

    * Swapped the coil packs around
    * Swapped the injector around
    * Swapped the spark plugs
    * Tried another ignition amplifier

    Yet still, it continues to misfire on number 4 ?

    I revved the engine hard, and it seemed to clear it, but a couple of minutes later it was back!

    Im getting spark from that coilpack on number 4, so it's not the wiring.
    Also the bottom end sounds like its knocking after it had warmed up, great! Plenty of oil btw.

    To say I've had enough its an understatement !

    God knows what's wrong now ? :(

    Any ideas.

  2. Gup16v Forum Member

    Dec 27, 2009
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    West Midlands
    Might be worth hooking it up to Vag-com just to see if all the bits above are getting a signal?

    something you cant diagnose by swapping bits over. if the wiring for the coil is ok, check the wiring to the injector or disconnect the plugs and pull the last injector out and see if its throwing out fuel?

    hope you get it sorted soon Rich :thumbup:
  3. Dan W

    Dan W CGTI Regional Host

    Jan 21, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Penryn, Cornwall
    Is it a missfire or compression issue? I've said it many times. The 1.8t is pants. I've lost count of the amount of rebuilds and other major work we've done on these. Don't understand why anyone bothers with them
  4. Toyotec

    Toyotec CGTI Committee - Happy helper at large Admin

    Jul 26, 2006
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    Creating Pfredstarke
    I will come around tomorrow and give a check.
    Hopefully it is not engine hardware, like a dodgy seating valve!
    peterg60 and Richard Mk2 like this.
  5. Richard Mk2

    Richard Mk2 Paid Member Paid Member

    Apr 29, 2007
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    London / Bucks

    I checked for spark from number 4's wiring and it was sparking.

    I did try the clip off clip on method with the injector plugs, the other 3 showed a noticeable difference, but number 4 didn't, so it could well be the wiring to number 4's injector ?

    I know what you mean Dan, but take my MK4 for example. Nearly 6 years of ownership, and its been bullet proof, even with the remap, dyno days and the hard blasts it has now and again ;)

    If I didn't need the cash from selling it, I wouldn't hesitate removing the engine and putting it in the mk2.

    Cheers Edd, lets hope not hey!! :thumbup:

    I'll be in touch tonight mate.

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