Tornado red 16v ABF jenveys

Discussion in 'Members Gallery' started by notenoughtime, Jan 24, 2014.

  1. notenoughtime

    notenoughtime Moderator Moderator

    Just waiting for my manifold to be made and I can get these on!

  2. notenoughtime

    notenoughtime Moderator Moderator

  3. notenoughtime

    notenoughtime Moderator Moderator

    Ordered the flanges for the 48s Friday so should be here Monday then I can get the inlet made and measure up what size trumpets to buy, any suggestions
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2016
  4. notenoughtime

    notenoughtime Moderator Moderator

    Has everyone disappeared on here!!!
  5. fasteddie

    fasteddie Banned

    I'm still here :thumbup:
    Love you long time .....Now send my seats [:D]
    notenoughtime likes this.
  6. notenoughtime

    notenoughtime Moderator Moderator

    Glad someone sensible is still here!! :o
    fasteddie likes this.
  7. notenoughtime

    notenoughtime Moderator Moderator

    I've had some more seats done also!
  8. fasteddie

    fasteddie Banned

    Up the Reds [:*:]

    notenoughtime likes this.
  9. notenoughtime

    notenoughtime Moderator Moderator

    Still looking for a black VW rear badge Eddie!
  10. fasteddie

    fasteddie Banned

    I went chrome on mine from Vw heritage, tis what's meant to be on them :thumbup:
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2016
  11. fasteddie

    fasteddie Banned

    You are welcome to the one that came of mine may need to give a skiff of satin black to have it mint :thumbup:

    notenoughtime likes this.
  12. notenoughtime

    notenoughtime Moderator Moderator

    That's very kind of you

    Send me your PayPal details
  13. fasteddie

    fasteddie Banned

    Tis free send your address :thumbup:
  14. notenoughtime

    notenoughtime Moderator Moderator

    Mine was definitely black originally!
  15. notenoughtime

    notenoughtime Moderator Moderator

    The 48mm flanges arrived today going to be welded up tomorrow

  16. sports racer Forum Member

    Is that weird flower loving, tea drinking Irishman your benchmark for sensibility?

    C'mon, he actually thinks red MK2's are ok. How insane is that!
    Sirguydo and fasteddie like this.
  17. notenoughtime

    notenoughtime Moderator Moderator

    You have just bought a red mk2 haven't you? ;)
    fasteddie likes this.
  18. sports racer Forum Member

    It was the only one I could find for sale in all of Australia.

    I bought it when I was drunk.

    I had the sun in my eyes.

    I bought it at night.

    It was covered in dust - I thought it was pink.

    I forgot to take my glasses.

    It looked like it was rust coloured.

    I thought it was an oversized letterbox.

    It's got 4 good (black) tyres.

    The guy begged me to take it away.

    From 2 miles away it looked ok.

    I had a heart attack and didn't realise I was signing the sales doc.

    I didn't have my coffee with 7 sugars that day.

    If I cover it with dog poo it will look better.

    It makes a great paperweight.

    I'm too old to know better.

    I'm too young to know better.

    I had dust in my eyes.
    fasteddie likes this.
  19. notenoughtime

    notenoughtime Moderator Moderator

    I think the sun has got to you!! Once you get over it you will realise that it's the best thing that has happened to you !
    fasteddie likes this.
  20. sports racer Forum Member

    In an infinite number of universes an infinite number of me threw up after buying the car. :lol:

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