OEM management wiring: 1.8T => Mk2 harness install FAQ

Discussion in '1.8 & 1.8T' started by 20v_jimmy, Dec 29, 2009.

  1. Todd Motto Forum Member

    Jan 6, 2023
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    I suspected it was N249, but it seems to be far too short to reach where the vacuum reservoir sits on the top the engine so was a bit confused… do these sometimes need modification?

    …So oil level in the pan can be completely ignored?

    by oil sender is that the oil pressure switch single wire? Ty!
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2023
  2. Todd Motto Forum Member

    Jan 6, 2023
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    One more for your expert brain, green and brown with a yellow/black second … any clues?

    Attached Files:

  3. rubjonny

    rubjonny Administrator Staff Member Admin

    Oct 31, 2003
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    it should reach nicely to where it needs to be, perhaps loom needs a slight re-jiggle. the oil level/temp can be binned entirely, its only used for the MK4 cluster

    for the oil sender wiring you should have at least 2 spades for low and high switch, plus a 3rd for oil temp if you have the MFA trip computer on the dash. the original MK4 golf switch is no good for mk1/2/3 cluster and should be replaced

    the green/brown wire plug is for the N75 :)
  4. jim poter New Member

    Jan 16, 2021
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    Thank Jonny :thumbup:
  5. Todd Motto Forum Member

    Jan 6, 2023
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    Thanks so much @rubjonny!

    Today I noticed that where the main loom(s) come out the bulkhead that there’s a big connector not plugged into anything- do you think this is a redundant plug and just part of the process of the conversion? Hoping by the colours someone has an idea what it might be but I think that the previous owner left the old loom in there too of some sort. He’s had the car started many times before so from that perspective I’m hoping it’s a dud plug now.

  6. Todd Motto Forum Member

    Jan 6, 2023
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    @rubjonny Sorry to bring this up again, I’m just struggling to see what to do here. You can see the N249 valve plug here and also see it’s about 10cm long at best. There’s no chance whatsoever it’ll reach across the engine and plug-in up top next to the vacuum reservoir. Do you have any advice for me here? :/

    if it does help… my crank sensor in grey seems to be quite long, is it meant to route like this?

  7. rubjonny

    rubjonny Administrator Staff Member Admin

    Oct 31, 2003
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    thats a pre-cat wideband lambda, you need that

    I would suggest you pull the loom off partially and have another look. it may be your sensor harness is from a different engine code as the routing can differ a bit. main one is the throttle body position though with these. since the crank sensor is too long that suggests the branch of loom there needs to be re-positioned slightly
  8. Todd Motto Forum Member

    Jan 6, 2023
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    Interesting- apparently the loom was from an AUM, so maybe that’s why it’s in a different place? I was debating relocating the N249 piping down by the front of the inlet manifold so I could extend the vacuum line to it and then plug it in nicely.

    with the “pre cat wide and lambda”, where should I be expecting to find the other end of the connection so I can plug it in? Thank you!!
  9. Todd Motto Forum Member

    Jan 6, 2023
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    Also another one I’m missing seems to be this thing to the left of the dipstick - I’ve searched for a very long time trying to find what it is!
  10. rubjonny

    rubjonny Administrator Staff Member Admin

    Oct 31, 2003
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    the pre-cat lambda should be in your exhaust pipe, near the join to the downpipe whaere the catalyser would be in the exhaust on the original car. the 4 pin next to it is post-cat lambda which would be after it, that wont work right now if you dont have a cat any more, you need to have it coded out of the ecu same with SAI andcarbin canister plus whatever else you want to delete.

    the missing thing next to the dipstick I believe is for the SAI valve but I'm not 100% sure, I only make looms for 20v I dont install them :lol:
  11. Todd Motto Forum Member

    Jan 6, 2023
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    I had a feeling it may have been SAI related given that it’s floating about that area. Is there some kind of list of sensors with their corresponding wire colours so I can leave you in peace? :-) you’re a top man answering my questions I extremely appreciate the help.

    with the pre / post cat, I reckon the guy has plugged the pre cat into the post cat one so I’ll check that once on the car. Will the car go into limp mode without a remap and the post cat delete do you know?
  12. rubjonny

    rubjonny Administrator Staff Member Admin

    Oct 31, 2003
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    not 100% but I dont think it'll go into limp, but will flag codes for sure.

    if you check the link in my signature I have the aum/auq wiring diagram you could use to id everything :)
  13. Todd Motto Forum Member

    Jan 6, 2023
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    Okay so just had a look, what do you make of this? It seems the downpipe has a lambda sensor in but it’s plugged into the other connector which has a different shaped end? 6894F36D-8AC2-4CA3-9E39-AFD44C5C5854.jpeg 90A4C51A-E071-45B2-9061-10B2486C146A.jpeg
  14. rubjonny

    rubjonny Administrator Staff Member Admin

    Oct 31, 2003
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    yeah you need to remove that one and replace it with a wideband pre-cat, then the 4 pin plug is no longer needed
  15. Todd Motto Forum Member

    Jan 6, 2023
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    You’re a legend mate. Ordered a new pre cat lambda. Tyvm
  16. Todd Motto Forum Member

    Jan 6, 2023
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    New lambda sensor is in - thanks so much @rubjonny! Do you know the file name of what I’m looking for in your signature there’s a mighty list in there!!
  17. rubjonny

    rubjonny Administrator Staff Member Admin

    Oct 31, 2003
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    g4aumauqecu.pdf :)
    Todd Motto likes this.
  18. Todd Motto Forum Member

    Jan 6, 2023
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    Just looping back on the oil pressure sensor. Does this give you enough info (you can see where the green wire goes off and joins the loom) to determine if it’s for the sensor or not? I know you mentioned that the green was likely for it based on the loom builder. Ty!! 69F996E5-FF7A-4E50-B201-62DB1ACE3EC4.jpeg
  19. rubjonny

    rubjonny Administrator Staff Member Admin

    Oct 31, 2003
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    whats on the other end of those 3 wires?
  20. Todd Motto Forum Member

    Jan 6, 2023
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    Absolutely nothing [:D] just wires… I’ve bought an oil pressure connector for it to fit.

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