So this horlicks about SORN-ing where the insurance expires, even for short periods

Discussion in 'Insurance chat' started by A.N. Other, Oct 3, 2011.

  1. m1keh Forum Member

    Jul 16, 2009
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    A way to get around the instant selling of the other car which is not insured.... when you buy a new car :thumbup:

    Just transfer the car over to your trading entity(your name or make up a trading name) at your same address using the transfer of vehicle to the trade form. Then sign both bits yourself.

    This gives you 90 days before you have to be registered on the MID. Ample time to sell most cars. Yes it's hassle we don't need and I'm not sure how the DVLA will respond to this changing a vehicle to a trading name but it's worth a try.

    Taken from

  2. danster Forum Addict

    Apr 2, 2008
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    [:?:] A cunning new plan came into my mind this afternoon. :thumbup:

    How about getting your un-taxed and un-insured car cloned to have the identification of a currently sorned vehicle. :lol:

    Just spend days trawling through the DirectGov and MID sites till you find a suitable donor vehicle, then get some plates made up, whack em on, and then relax knowing you got a year of not worrying about losing your hard earned to some stealth tax. [8D]
  3. Jaundice

    Jaundice Forum Member

    Sep 11, 2007
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    at home
    Thought I would re-ignite this issue as I am now trying to sell a used car again and am worried about getting done for no insurance.

    After a lot of thinking, I have concluded that the only way to get anything done about it is to contact our local MP's directly and get them to raise the issue in parliament. If enough of us do it then they will have to sit up and take notice. A friend of mine was refused life saving cancer treatment on the NHS and he used this approach to save his own life. He did it by creating a template letter that he posted on FaceSpace which he asked everyone he knew to print and forward to their local MP.

    I'm not the greatest grammatician so would have to bow to someone else to do the writing of it, but I reckon we've got the people we need on here to start a spam attack on the houses of parliament over this joke of a law.

    Also I found THIS report submitted to the secretary of state in July 2004 which makes for very interesting reading....
  4. m1keh Forum Member

    Jul 16, 2009
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    As said above, 90 days time to sell it if you transfer to the "trade". 90 days should be long enough to sell most cars.

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