VW motorsport style 02A shifter tower and modiifed All Smiles shifter

Discussion in 'Track Prep & Tech' started by steve r, Jan 4, 2008.

  1. steve r

    steve r Forum Member

    Oct 22, 2003
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    Here's a guide to the modifications i did to an 02A gearbox tower to replicate the VW Motorsport pics in the porn thread.

    You will need one of each of these and suitable cutting tools
    IMGP2421.jpg IMGP2420.jpg

    Start with a std 02A tower and strip it down to the casting.

    Cut off the top and remove the seal that no longer sealed

    (This pic shows a bearing in its place, this was later replaced with a custom made nylon bush as the shaft snagged on the bearing when it moved up and down)

    Machine the excess from the top of the tower away and also the sides to make space for the needle roller bearings.
    IMGP2437.jpg IMGP2439.jpg IMGP2331.jpg

    Use the lathe to make the bush to support the bearings
    IMGP2423.jpg IMGP2426.jpg

    Detailed engineering drawing :lol:

    Bush installed with loctite

    Bearings and arm fitted

    fitted to car (now with nylon bush)

    Next step to shorten the fwd/back throw of the lever, again following the VW Motorsport info.

    Cut the end off and smooth off
    IMGP2482.jpg IMGP2483.jpg

    Drill a new hole 46mm from pivot center (extra hole in middle to allow a shift weight to be fitted)
    IMGP2488.jpg IMGP2484.jpg
  2. steve r

    steve r Forum Member

    Oct 22, 2003
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    Lick of paint and fitted
    IMGP2489.jpg IMGP2492.jpg

    Next onto the All Smiles shift lever,

    I haven't been happy with it since fitting as the fwd/back and left/right movement wasn't on bearings just bolts and washers, the lever used to rattle if the bolt was too loose or be stiff to move if i tightened the bolt. The answer was to fit more needle bearings [:D]

    First off make some bushes on the lathe to support the bearings
    IMGP2463.jpg IMGP2470.jpg

    Press onto the lever with bearings in place ( the bush is just under flush so the bearing washer takes the load)

    Difference in contact surface area


    recess machined into the main lump of the shifter to take the right/left movement bearings

    rear bearing currently proud but also get recessed when i have time

    The contact between the 2 parts is on the bearings (this used to just be a washer for the 2 parts to run on [xx(] )

    Finally machine a new reverse selector as this used to just be a screw sticking out of the rod
    IMGP2553.jpg IMGP2554.jpg

    I think that just about covers it :)

    The gear shift is now much more precise and positive, the lever moves smoothly and no longer rattles.

    Thanks to all who helped with this [:*:]
  3. badger5

    badger5 Club GTI Sponsor and Supporter Trader

    Oct 22, 2003
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    nr Glos
    where did you get the flat needle roller bearings?

    nice work dude
  4. joe_bo Forum Member

    Feb 9, 2007
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    sticky? if only for my future use :)
  5. altern8 Forum Junkie

    Oct 22, 2003
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    Cocos (Keeling) Islands
    amazing what bluepeter teaches nowadays well done
  6. steve r

    steve r Forum Member

    Oct 22, 2003
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    The bearings came from here https://simplybearings.co.uk/shop/index.php?cPath=1_114

    10x24x2mm for the 02A tower mod with 2 of the 1mm thrust washers per bearing making the total thickness 4mm.

    I used the same size bearings in the body of the all smiles shifter and 17x30x2mm on the lever.
  7. RobT

    RobT Forum Junkie

    Oct 24, 2003
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    very nice job
  8. badger5

    badger5 Club GTI Sponsor and Supporter Trader

    Oct 22, 2003
    Likes Received:
    nr Glos
  9. sparrow Paid Member Paid Member

    Jan 2, 2006
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    Leamington Spa
    :clap: Nice work Steve.
  10. GVK

    GVK Paid Member Paid Member

    Oct 23, 2003
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    Nice work Steve - it's amazing what can be done in your Dad's garage [:D]
  11. A.N. Other Banned after significant club disruption Dec 5th 2

    Oct 23, 2003
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    Great stuff Steve - all the better for putting the info up now, so glad useful. [:D]

    New lathe's doing the job a treat! What's it's hourly rate? ;) :lol:

    Link here to the original post for anyone reading for the first time.

    Out of interest, how did you get the blue seal out of the tower? I had a look at one, starting chipping away with a screwdriver from beneath, but grabbed another one in the end. Did you manage to get the needle bearing cage out too?
  12. steve r

    steve r Forum Member

    Oct 22, 2003
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    Not sure on hourly rate, but i'm sure we can come up with cgti discount ;)

    The blue seal popped out really easily, just used a snap-on pick to get it out, another tower i have required the seal to be cut and knocked out with a screwdriver. Maybe just luck of the draw with tolerences or design changes to the seal/housing.

    I left the original VW bearings in the tower and just added the nylon bush in place of the blue seal.
  13. Dub Nutta Forum Member

    Oct 22, 2003
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    Gold Coast - Australia
    Can you just confirm i have intrepreted your drawing correctly for the spacer bush.

    Got some bearings on order and going to spin one of these up tomorrow so hopefully will be on my way to sorting out my sloppy shift!
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 23, 2018
  14. steve r

    steve r Forum Member

    Oct 22, 2003
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    Looks right :thumbup:

    The length 3 in view B may need to be altered to suit your housing, mine had a lip inside which may have been a result of casting so we skimmed a little of the 12.2 to suit.

    You will also need to machine some material off from each end the the section that the bush fits into, i don't think i covered it in the above write up. The housing is wider than 26.1 and the amount that needs to be removed from each side isn't equal so you have to measure it correctly to get the fork arm to sit in the correct place. Its pretty obvious when you look at it.

  15. Dub Nutta Forum Member

    Oct 22, 2003
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    Gold Coast - Australia
    Ok cheers.

    I thourght that was just a lead in for for an interference fit i'l knock one up like that and see what I can make fit once ive got the bearings.
  16. A.N. Other Banned after significant club disruption Dec 5th 2

    Oct 23, 2003
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    There's no rule on the thickness of the insert. The alloy tower housing on mine was drilled to ~12.5mm to suit the VWM insert, but I think the tower's around 12mm to start with, so easier to go with 12mm for the insert's OD I suppose.
  17. steve r

    steve r Forum Member

    Oct 22, 2003
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    Thats what i thought, make the insert to suit the current hole rather than stuggling to mount the tower in the mill/pillar drill to enlarge the hole and then still have to make the insert to fit the new larger hole.
  18. dUff

    dUff Administrator Admin

    Oct 22, 2003
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    Everybody Offline - looking good
    Nice work steve !! ,

    I also got hold of a all smiles shifter sometime ago and have been making another one that operates very differently , i liked the look of the all smiles shifter but did not like the operation so have started from scratch only using the steel base. I also looked at the CAE shifter but that look a little over the top but bet it has smoother operation

    So far i have done

    - Redone reverse as a pull up ( spring loaded ) and cut out so no mistakes in selecting reverse without it being a 2 handed job
    - Remade the shifter as a yoke design using 2 different metals , very smooth operation with no slack or vibration and no bearings

    Will have a prototype testing in a car soon but working on cable setup at the moment , i was looking to sell these so may keep the pics off the net at the moment , see how it goes
  19. GVK

    GVK Paid Member Paid Member

    Oct 23, 2003
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    http://forums.vwvortex.com/zerothread?id=1800921&postid=45419488 :thumbup:
  20. TrackCab16v Forum Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    cracking work steve [:D] [:D]

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