I have been checking out the archives and the postings on 1.8T 20V engine codes so as to put everything onto a list. So far I have 26 different engine codes and the different things I'm noting are the following: BHP rating Compression ratio Vehicle fitment Date used Cast or Forged crank Head port size VVT or not VVT Internal or External Water pump block Turbo used Cable throttle or Fly by wire Injector size. If anyone has this info on any of the 1.8 20V engines, please post it here and I'll add it to the list. I don't mind if things are repeated... it means that I got it right If anyone thinks I should include anything else, please put your ideas here too.. Thanks all Mike Ghia CODE BHP (OE) C:R Vehicle Fitment Year From Year To Cast / Forged Crank Head Port VVT Water pump Turbo Throttle ETKA REMARKS Injector size Piston Pin Notes ADR 125 A4 11/94-04/99 LARGE THEN SMALL NON THEN VVT NASP Large: 058 103 373 A, Small: 058 103 373 D ADR 125 A6 10/95-10/97 LARGE THEN SMALL NON THEN VVT NASP Large: 058 103 373 A, Small: 058 103 373 D ADR 125 AUDI CABRIO 04/97-08/00 LARGE THEN SMALL NON THEN VVT NASP Large: 058 103 373 A, Small: 058 103 373 D ADR 125 PASSAT 12/96-01/99 LARGE THEN SMALL NON THEN VVT NASP Large: 058 103 373 A, Small: 058 103 373 D AEB 150 9.5:1 A4 02-95 (EA 827 block) Dec-98 CAST LARGE NON VVT EXTERNAL K03 CABLE 20MM AEB 150 9.5:1 A4 04-95 (EA 827 block) Jul-98 CAST LARGE NON VVT EXTERNAL K03 CABLE GR 20MM AEB 150 9.5:1 A4 08-97 (EA 827 block) Jul-98 CAST LARGE NON VVT EXTERNAL K03 CABLE ZA 20MM AEB 150 9.5:1 A6 04-97 (EA 827 block) Jan-99 CAST LARGE NON VVT EXTERNAL K03 CABLE 20MM AEB 150 9.5:1 A6 04-97 (EA 827 block) Jul-98 CAST LARGE NON VVT EXTERNAL K03 CABLE GR 20MM AEB 150 9.5:1 PASSAT (6A block) Oct-96 Dec-98 CAST LARGE NON VVT EXTERNAL K03 CABLE 20MM AGU 150 9.5:1 A3 Dec-96 ?? FORGED LARGE NON VVT EXTERNAL K03 CABLE SMALL 20MM AGU 150 9.5:1 A3 Dec-96 Jul-98 FORGED LARGE NON VVT EXTERNAL K03 CABLE GR SMALL 20MM AGU 150 9.5:1 BORA Sep-00 ?? FORGED LARGE NON VVT EXTERNAL K03 CABLE SMALL 20MM AGU 150 9.5:1 BORA May-00 01-Apr FORGED LARGE NON VVT EXTERNAL K03 CABLE J SMALL 20MM AGU 150 9.5:1 GOLF Oct-97 ?? FORGED LARGE NON VVT EXTERNAL K03 CABLE SMALL 20MM AGU 150 9.5:1 GOLF Aug-98 01-Apr FORGED LARGE NON VVT EXTERNAL K03 CABLE J SMALL 20MM AJH 150 9.51 SHARAN Nov-97 Feb-00 K03 CABLE AJH 150 9.51 ALHAMBRA Nov-97 Feb-00 K03 CABLE AJL 180 9.5:1 A4 Aug-97 01-Sep LARGE KO3 CABLE AJL 180 9.5:1 A4 Oct-97 Jul-98 LARGE KO3 CABLE GR AJL 180 9.5:1 A6 Nov-97 Oct-00 LARGE KO3 CABLE AJL 180 9.5:1 A6 Nov-97 Jul-98 LARGE KO3 CABLE GR AMB 170 A4 01-Jul ?? J AMK 209 9.0:1 S3 Sep-00 02-Apr FORGED SMALL VVT INTERNAL KO4 DBW LARGE AMU 225 9.0:1 TT ?? ?? 20MM ANB 150 A4 May-99 Jun-00 ANB 150 A6 Jan-99 ?? ANB 150 PASSAT Jan-99 Aug-00 APH 150 9.5:1 BEETLE Jan-99 Jun-00 NON VVT SMALL APP 180 9.5:1 A3 Jul-99 May-00 KO3 DBW APP 180 9.5:1 TT Sep-99 Sep-00 KO3 DBW APP 180 9.5:1 TT Sep-99 01-Oct KO3 DBW BR APU 150 9.5:1 A4 Aug-98 01-Sep APU 150 9.5:1 A4 Aug-98 Jul-99 ZA APU 150 9.5:1 A6 Nov-98 ?? APU 150 9.5:1 PASSAT Jan-99 Aug-00 APX 225 9.0:1 TT Oct-98 ?? FORGED NON VVT INTERNAL KO4 DBW LARGE 20MM APY 209 9.0:1 S3 Nov-98 Aug-00 NON VVT KO4 DBW LARGE AQA 150 A3 Aug-98 01-Apr AQJ 180 9.5:1 A3 Nov-98 Aug-00 NON VVT INTERNAL KO3 DBW 20MM AQJ 180 9.5:1 TT Oct-98 Aug-00 NON VVT INTERNAL KO3 DBW 20MM AQX 150 9.5:1 IBIZA CUPRA 1999 2001 SMALL KO3 DBW D4 std ARK 150 A4 Jul-98 Jul-99 ARK 150 A6 Jan-99 May-99 ARX 150 9.5:1 A3 Sep-00 ?? SMALL VVT KO3S DBW LARGE ARX 150 9.5:1 BORA Sep-00 01-Apr SMALL VVT KO3S DBW LARGE ARY 180 9.5:1 A3 Sep-00 ??-05 NON VVT KO3S DBW LARGE 19MM ARY 180 9.5:1 TT Sep-00 ??-05 NON VVT KO3S DBW LARGE 19MM ARZ 150 9.5:1 A3 Sep-00 ?? 20MM ARZ 150 9.5:1 GOLF Sep-00 ?? 20MM ATC ATW 150 A4 Jan-00 ?? NON VVT KO3 DBW ATW 150 PASSAT Jan-00 ?? NON VVT KO3 DBW AUG 180 GOLF ?? ?? AUM 150 9.5:1 A3 May-00 ?? SMALL VVT INTERNAL KO3S DBW LARGE 19MM AUM 150 9.5:1 TT 01-Jan ?? SMALL VVT INTERNAL KO3S DBW LARGE 19MM AUM 150 9.5:1 BORA Sep-00 ?? SMALL VVT INTERNAL KO3S DBW LARGE 19MM AUM 150 9.5:1 GOLF Sep-00 ?? SMALL VVT INTERNAL KO3S DBW LARGE 19MM AUQ 180 9.5:1 A3 May-00 ??-05 VVT KO3S DBW LARGE 19MM AUQ 180 9.5:1 TT Aug-00 ??-05 VVT KO3S DBW LARGE 19MM AUQ 180 9.5:! BORA 02-May ??-05 VVT KO3S DBW LARGE 19MM AUQ 180 9.5:1 GOLF 01-Jun ??-05 VVT KO3S DBW LARGE 19MM AVC 150 9.5:1 BEETLE Jul-99 Oct-00 AVJ 150 9.5:1 A4 Dec-00 ?? AWC 150 9.5:1 SHARAN Apr-00 ?? AWD 150 9.5:1 JETTA May-99 ?? NON VVT LARGE 20MM AWL AWM 170 PASSAT 01-Feb 02-Apr INTERNAL MEX AWM 170 PASSAT 02-May ?? INTERNAL MEX V6 AWP 180 9.5:1 JETTA 01-Jun ?? VVT KO3S AWP 180 9.5:1 BEETLE 01-Nov ?? SMALL VVT INTERNAL KO3S DBW LARGE AWT 150 9.5:1 A4 Jun-00 01-Sep VVT KO3 DBW SMALL AWT 150 9.5:1 A6 May-00 ?? VVT KO3 DBW SMALL AWT 150 9.5:1 PASSAT Oct-00 ?? VVT KO3 DBW SMALL AWU 150 BEETLE Oct-00 ?? VVT KO3 DBW SMALL AWV 150 BEETLE Jun-00 01-May VVT KO3S DBW LARGE AWW 150 9.5:1 JETTA Jun-00 ?? VVT AYN AYP 150/180 9.5:1 IBIZA CUPRA 2001> ?? SMALL non-VVT INTERNAL KO3 DBW 20MM 9.5:1, emission spec EU2/EU3 BAM 225 9.0:1 S3 01-Aug 02-May FORGED SMALL VVT INTERNAL KO4 DBW LARGE 20MM BAM 225 9.0:1 TT Sep-00 ?? FORGED SMALL VVT INTERNAL KO4 DBW LARGE 20MM BBU 180 9.5:1 IBIZA ??-05 ??-08 KO3S DBW BBU 180 9.5:1 POLO ??-05 ??-08 KO3S DBW BEK 180 JETTA 01-Jun ?? BEX 190 9.5:1 A4 02-Nov ??-03 KO3S DBW BE 190 9.5:1 TT ??-05 ??-06 KO3S DBW BFB 163 9.5:1 A4 02-Apr ?? KO3S DBW BFV 240 9.0:1 TT - SPORT ??-05 ??-06 KO4 DBW BJX 150 9.5:1 IBIZA ??-04 ??-08 KO3S DBW BJX 150 9.5:1 POLO ??-04 ??-08 KO3S DBW BVP 163 9.5:1 TT ??-05 ??-06 KO3S DBW VER 150 SHARAN ?? ?? INTERNAL VER 150 BORA INTERNAL Updates will be highlighted in blue AGN = n/a 125PS internal water pump 058 103 373 X head on it. AGN has an 058 103 351 E head ARZ engine has an 06A 103 351 D head, so first 3 letters then match the 06A blocks. There are no big port 06As that we are aware of. AUM head is 06A 103 351 G AEB - head is 058 103 353 E (same head as AFY, again poss overseas engine) ADR & ABT (o/seas code?) - 058 103 351 G head, same as AGN (barring 06X bottom end), which are all n/a engines ARG (early) - 058 103 351 G head ARG (late, auto version) - 06A 103 351 D APU - 058 103 351 G head ANB - 06A 103 351 D, same as late ARG - 06A 103 351 D = aged Other threads: http://www.clubgti.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2708 TBC code: Audi A4 8D facelift model: block went to 6A at this facelift. AGU to check if external or internal water pump
Ok, Codes now up to 36. I have very little info on which engines have cast and forged cranks. Also need info on which engines have small port and large port heads. Also info on injector size, VVT or not, Internal/external water pump, Compression ratio, throttle cable/fly by wire and Turbo spec. Cheers MG
This is how things look so far. Please let me know if I've got anything wrong. MG Edited by: Michael Ghia
AMK: C/R - 9.5:1 VVT = Yes Water Pump = Internal Turbo = K04 Throttle = FBW Injectors = Large APY: C/R - 9.5:1 But saying that, I thought all K04 equipped engines had a 9.0:1 C/R, but that's what ELSA is telling me. I checked the AGU, AMK and BAM and all of them were 9.5:1 ?!?!? Edited by: Seizure
Thanks all for the info, I'll be publishing the full sheet once its complete. Until that time, please save the spreadsheet above. Mike
mike... can you confirm that the AJQ code is deffo 180bhp??? i have this engine and thought it was only 150bhp?? cheers Rowan Edited by: mouse
this is the turbo number from my AJQ and a picture of the engine, i'm not sure how much info you can get from these but here they are anyway. mou
Seizure, I will check up on the compression ratio's... Do you have any pics of your install? Chers MG
There are two water pumps on the S3/and 225TT there is a small electric one that cooles the turbo down! you could also have info on what side the thottle body is on as some peep have no idea there are to type's mine is on the N/S hope this helps
Thanks Lee, I'll look into the inlet manifold idea... it might help a lot of folk. Seizure, I've just crossed referenced the AMK pistons and head with the BAM and they are the same so I'm presuming that the compression ratio will also be the same at 9.0:1. Thanks for that. MG
Chris, I have just yesterday installed ETOS on my computer (Skoda, Seat, Audi, VW) parts program on my computer so along with Ekta I should be able to get the other pieces of information I need to complete the spreadsheet... or close to anyway I'll have an update in the next couple of days and will post it up here. MG
Here's the latest list. I have had a quick look at Etos and it'll take a while to get used to. Its very different to Etka! MG Edited by: Michael Ghia