
Discussion in 'General Chat' started by andypaterson, Sep 28, 2010.

  1. danster Forum Addict

    Apr 2, 2008
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    Here is something I do not get.
    Humans have evolved over time without the benefit of a wide variety of vegetables, meats and vitamin supplements. It strikes me that the ideal human being genetically probably peaked a while back now.
    The world becoming smaller as a result of air travel and the like, has now allowed the genetic mixing of folks that would generally in the past never have met.
    Currently our ever growing population manage to harm themselves through the abuse of food, drugs and environmental factors such as pollution and sun worship (the orange ones). This has resulted in an explosion of diabetes, cancers, heart disease etc. Presumably genetically now passed on to our offspring should we choose to clutter the planet any more.
    A problem now exacerbated by our society funding jakey bastud's existences in the name of human rights. :lol:
  2. Gareth83 Forum Junkie

    Oct 23, 2003
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    most modern diseases are caused by the reliance on cereals, grains and other processed carbs that displace real food such as meat, fish, eggs, nuts, veg and a bit of fruit.

    the typical food pyramid is so wrong
  3. EZ_Pete

    EZ_Pete Forum Junkie

    Jan 15, 2007
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    Under Bonnet, nr Abingdon
    I think you may need to update the "what are you currently drinking thread" Dan, because that post does not seem consistent with your usual clarity of expression/thought.

    Are you saying we used to be genetically 'stronger' and are now declining in 'fitness'?

    If so, you may be broadly right, but actually interbreeding with those (same species) having significantly different DNA/immune systems is generally a very healthy thing.
  4. danster Forum Addict

    Apr 2, 2008
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    I was not really saying Pete, more asking?
    I understand what you mean about keeping a good mix in the gene pool. But in dog breeding for example, it would be wise to select traits that are strong and breed out faults. This does not happen with humans in a lot of cases. Lets just say you do not see many animals all pished up and having sex without thought for the consequences of their liaison. :lol:

    You could class a human's ability to have so little regard for it's own welfare as a fault too. Is that a genetic predisposition or a symptom of environment?

    Drinking Cocoa by the way, not got the fitness for more than 2 beers tonight. ;)
  5. EZ_Pete

    EZ_Pete Forum Junkie

    Jan 15, 2007
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    Under Bonnet, nr Abingdon
    Only because they haven't learned the crucial art of brewing, I feel.

    I wonder if elephants get less fussy about 'partner' choice when they get pished on rotting fermented fruit? Perhaps one for the "Ask BristolFish" thread?
  6. GrannyRacer Paid Member Paid Member

    Aug 27, 2005
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    United Kingdom
    Sorry if this sounds naff, but I have been around a fair while. I would say the kid in the first photo grew up. I won't go into the ins and outs but you would be surprised to see what a couple of years can do. From the early 60's I went out with what some would call "weedy" boys, but they came into their own from 16 onwards. MAINLY ESSEX BOYS!! Due to back probs 20+ years ago I took up weight trainig, superb for back but Himself said "Susan, your shoulders are getting too big and you are starting to look like a man". Enough was enough, I did not want to look like that so sought an alternative. It is really hard to get it right.
  7. danster Forum Addict

    Apr 2, 2008
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    I think it has been studied that in the past a certain size group is ideal for a sustainable existence. Too tired right now to remember or search for it.

    To me it just seems like humans do not seem to exercise the brain muscle much, and show some kind of restraint or control in certain areas.

    Animals in the wild generally have a pack system, monkeys, dogs and cats are fine examples of this.
  8. prof Forum Addict

    Oct 23, 2003
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    Suffragette City
    Gareth it's odd that you have researched the vitamin D stuff so thoroughly yet cling to the paleo mantra. Pretty sure it was discussed by those much smarter than me and the result was that you should take 4-6000ui a day.

    Cancers may seem more abundant, due to better diagnosis and longer lifespans. we are surrounded by more "unnatural products" than 100 years ago, just look at the ingredients on a bottle of shower gel. And stuff like Cillit bang, i suppose this must do something to us.

    Humans survive is spite of their environment, fruit and veg contain way less vitamins etc than they did 100s of years ago, due to speedy farming methods, so taking a multi just moves your diet a bit more towards the opitmum

    And pete, the heptahlon team was training in the gym on Friday, I nearly went blind
  9. Gareth83 Forum Junkie

    Oct 23, 2003
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    Well I am saying from the numerous research I have done and forum discussions, modern disease is caused by grains, processed carbs and so forth.

    First off you can survive without carbs in your diet, they are simply not needed. Sugar feeds cancer. Even for a weight trainer you don't 'need' carbs you can simply up your protein and rely on gluconeogenesis to cater for glycogen replenishment.

    By the way, I do consume carbs but I ensure they are of the right variety and are prepared properly.

    Gluten for example serves no purpose in ones diet. If grains are correctly prepared by soaking and fermenting then gluten issues are reduced

    Anti-nutrients found in most grains actually reduce the uptake of vitamins /minerals so this can lead to deficiency particularly the important minerals such as magnesium, zinc, vitamin C.

    That 4-6000IU vit D3 is not based on long standing research. It is a straw man argument.

    Most tests suggest people with illness/disease are deficient etc, but it can be argued that the body naturally reduces this to fight the problems.

    The vitamin D3 council who push most of the research are not exactly impartial either.

    I understand about the chemicals in today's world hence why I drink filtered water, wash with a basic olive oil soap, use a natural salt deodorant. I'm not a hippy by any means but I've seen plenty of discussions about pretty much every supplement.

    I could discuss this to the death but I've already been there over several forums where research for/against D3 is backed up with full references and in my balanced opinion is it is not required for optimal health.

    Same as multivitamins/minerals the amounts are so minimal. You could receive more benefit by reducing your grain intake which will allow the proper uptake of vitamins/minerals found in meat, fish eggs etc.

    It is like the arguments for Krill Oil over and above standard omega 3. It is only Neptune (the manufacturer of Krill Oil) who have done any research.
  10. Gareth83 Forum Junkie

    Oct 23, 2003
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    remember all that crap about eating '5 a day'? there has been no positive research whatsoever to back up these claims
  11. prof Forum Addict

    Oct 23, 2003
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    Suffragette City
    5 a day is to remind the unwashed masses that Iceland isn't the on;ly source of food
  12. danster Forum Addict

    Apr 2, 2008
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    :lol: PMSL. :thumbup:

    Gareth, I do eat a lot of brown wholegrain bread and oat cakes, which are presumably made with engineered grains. I suppose it is habit really, but reckon I could easily drop a lot of this and munch a banana instead.
    Would it be considered a good idea to reduce my consumption of the bread based on what you were saying in your previous posts?
  13. prof Forum Addict

    Oct 23, 2003
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    Suffragette City
    Gareth's grain free ideas are the subject of much debate. A lot of people agree with him and a lot don't. There's so much info out there and quackery that it's difficult to find the truth.

    2 guys make a lot of sense to me Alan Aragon and Lyle McDonald. There's enough free info on Lyle's site to explain just about everything.

    John Berardi writes a mean cookbook, but also makes a lot of stuff up.
  14. TheSecondComing Forum Addict

    Oct 22, 2003
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    Any given gutter, any given day.
    I ate an entire pint jar of pickled eggs last night. Pretty sure that's the keystone to any good diet.
    Under my duvet was not a pleasant place to be this morning.[xx(]
  15. Gareth83 Forum Junkie

    Oct 23, 2003
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    well considering they serve no real purpose in ones diet save for a filler and you could easily live without.

    I think anyone who reduces their grain intake would be doing themselves a huge favour. There are many people who show minor intolerances that can be linked to IBS for a start.

    The people who don't agree tend to look at it from a fat loss perspective. Sure you can get lean by eating carbs, grains, cereals and so forth but that does not make them healthy or beneficial.

    pickled eggs are a good food for sure.
  16. danster Forum Addict

    Apr 2, 2008
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    That is why I eat food, everything is a filler. If I drop the bread, what should I eat instead to fill me up?
    I am one of those folk that does not get fat due to metabolism or whatever.
    I need my food though and eat plenty of it.
    Actually, come to think of it I must eat a lot of grains, muesli, weetabix, cornflakes, bread, oatcakes etc.
    Sounds like I will need a pretty large change in dietary choices to get rid of that lot.

    Still going to have a chip butty with my fish and chips tonight though, got broccoli as a green due to running out of peas. ;)
  17. Gareth83 Forum Junkie

    Oct 23, 2003
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    well if you ate the fattier cuts of meat, fish etc, root vegetables then it will still satiate you.

    I wouldn't drop all of the grains as life would just be boring, I'd just limit them

    got any 16v distributors and hall senders lying around dan? ;)
  18. danster Forum Addict

    Apr 2, 2008
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    I will give that a try and see how I get on.

    Unfortunately I do not have any KR dizzys in stock. I usually have them roasted with a peppercorn sauce drizzled over them. :p
    Quite the delicacy round these parts. :lol:
  19. prof Forum Addict

    Oct 23, 2003
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    Suffragette City
    Gareth have you been taken over by Rob Wolf?
  20. Gareth83 Forum Junkie

    Oct 23, 2003
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    nope but I am familiar with his work.

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